Adds a simple 1 to 5 day weather forecast to your SilverStripe website with data from the free version of OpenWeatherMap ( This free version gives only a 5 day/3 hours forecast, but this module turns the collected date into a 1 to 5 day full day forecast. At the moment it's just a simple forecast with a weather icon and the minimum and maximum temperature.
- SilverStripe 4
- cmfcmf/openweathermap-php-api
Using Semantic Versioning.
Install via Composer:
composer require "hestec/silverstripe-openweathermap": "1.*"
Signup for a (free) account at and get your API key.
Add the OpenWeatherMap API key to your yaml file:
ApiKey: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
do a dev/build and flush.
The forecast data of the free version of OpenWeatherMap (maximum 5 days) will be stored in the table OpenWeatherMapData and is updated just once in 3 hours when someone visits the website. This method reduces the number of api calls and will show the weather even if the OpenWeatherMap service is not available for a while.
Include OpenWeatherMap in your Page:
<% include OpenWeatherMap %>
This gives a 5 day weather forecast of the city Rio de Janeiro. I guess you want the forecast(s) of other cities. For that copy the template \silverstripe-openweathermap\templates\Includes\ to your templates\Includes folder in your theme and changes the parameters of the loop call:
<% loop WeatherForecast(5, 3451190) %>
Where the number is the days of forecasts (maximum 5) en the code is the city code used on OpenWeathetMap. Get the code of your city on search the name of the city and find the code in the url.
Or simply put this loop in your page(s):
<% loop WeatherForecast(5, 3451190) %>
<p>$CityName, $CityCountry $Date:<br>
Minimum temperatuur: $TemperatureMin<br>
Maximum temperatuur: $TemperatureMax<br>
<img src="$IconUrl">
<% end_loop %>
If you want to use your own icons instead of the standard OpenWeatherMap icons, use just $Icon and the path to your icons. For example:
<% loop WeatherForecast(5, 3451190) %>
<p>$CityName, $CityCountry $Date:<br>
Minimum temperatuur: $TemperatureMin<br>
Maximum temperatuur: $TemperatureMax<br>
<img src="/themes/simple/img/weather/$Icon\.png">
<% end_loop %>
Find a list of the necessary icons here:
No known issues.
- Make an elemental extension.
- Tests.
- More forecast types (3 hours forecast, more details).