This repository contains my .emacs.d
directory, whose configuration is
focused on making Python and JavaScript development more fun. You might
also be interested in looking at my version controlled home directory,
which is kept here:
To install this .emacs.d
directory under your own an account, use the
following commands to check out this directory, move it into place, and
run its setup script:
$ cd ~
$ if [ -d .emacs.d ] ;then mv .emacs.d old-emacs.d ;fi
$ git clone .emacs.d
$ .emacs.d/
You will then be ready to run Emacs!
creates a Python virtual environment down inside of the
directory and install several programs that give Emacs some IDE super
powers when editing Python code. To get a good survey of the way my
environment is customzied, first read the comments in init.el
, and
then look up specific settings if you have questions. You can first try
looking up each customization variable inside of Emacs by running M-x
followed by part of its name. If the brief Emacs
docstring does not give you enough information, then the next best place
is usually a Google search for "Emacs wiki " which will
hopefully unlock a trove of information at
Here are useful keystrokes that I need to remember here in Spring 2024, as I’m getting used to new tools like Consult and Eglot:
eglot-code-actions I should bind this to something (mouse already works).
middle mouse Brings up actions associated with the current line.
eglot-rename Seems to rename all instances of a symbol. Worth binding?
C-h . Show documentation for symbol under point! (eldoc)
C-s C-w Start interactive search for the word at point.
M-. I’ve used this for years, to jump to definition.
M-? But this is new to me: show where something is referenced!
M-s g M-n Run consult-grep on the symbol at point.
Questions: why does clicking on a line with a ruff complaint not show suggestions for fixing it?