- Coffeescript
- Pug
- Sass
- Svelte SPA Router
- Gulp
- Sugar
- Svelte Preprocess
- Svelte
This template does not use the npm for the carbon svelte library from IBM. Instead, it has the components in the /src/components/carbon
folder instead.
The reason for this is that there are going to be inevitable bugs and customizations required for your app, and there's no point in waiting for updates when they can be easily fixed on your own.
The components have been curated to remove unnecessary items (i.e., skeletons and stories), or to improve stylings where required.
Where useful, new icons will be added.
- Link
- Ordered List
- Unordered List
Styles will be moved out of the stylesheet and into each component.
degit braintapper/svelte-carbon-template appname
npm install
To run the dev:
Navigate to http://localhost:5000
To build:
To run the built app
This serves the SPA from /public
Main template is public/index.html