Automatically segment a tractogram into major white matter tracts.
- Daniel Bullock ([email protected])
- Soichi Hayashi ([email protected])
- Franco Pestilli ([email protected])
- Franco Pestilli ([email protected])
Visit to run this app on the platform. Requires a freesurfer input (as it makes use of the 2009 parcellation) and an input tractography.
Because this is compiled code which runs on singularity, you can download the repo and run it locally with minimal setup. Ensure that you have singularity and freesurfer set up locally (freesurfer setup not necessary if relevant parcellation files have already been converted to nii.gz).
Pull the wma toolkit repo:
Ensure that vistasoft ( spm ( ; tested with spm8) are installed.
Run: , but take care to ensure that the addpath-genpath statements are relevant to your local setup.
Utilize a config.json setup that is analagous to the one contained within this repo, listed as a sample.
Visit and explore the following data sets to find viable freesurfer and tractography inputs:
HCP freesurfer: HCP tractography:
The relevant output for this application is a classification structure. The classification structure is a .mat file which contains a matlab structure (entitled classification) with two fields: names and index. The names field lists the names of tracts which were identified by this process as strings. The index field is a 1 dimensional vector containing zeros for all unidentified streamlines, and integer index values corresponding to streamlines' membership in the corresponding structure of the names vector.
Not relevant for this App as it does not geenrate processed data.
This App only requires singularity and (in some cases) Freesurfer to run. If you don't have singularity, you will need to install following dependencies.