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Variable Naming

Brain edited this page May 8, 2023 · 5 revisions

Variables in Retro Rocket BASIC must follow the following rules:

  1. Variables must start with an alphabetic character or an underscore, e.g. A-Z, a-z or _.
  2. Variables can contain numeric characters, so long as those numeric characters are not the first character.
  3. After the first character, a variable may contain any alphanumeric or underscore character in any position
  4. Variable names have a maximum length of 60 characters. This does not include any array indexes and is to help aid readability.
  5. Variable names may be suffixed with a single $ to denote a string variable, or a single # to denote a real variable (floating point). These symbols are not permitted anywhere else in the variable name.
  6. Variable names are CaSe SeNsItIvE.
  7. Variable names cannot start with a keyword or built in function name

In summary, the following regular expression could be considered to match all valid Retro Rocket BASIC variables:

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