Baller is a cross-platform View Framework. It's not an Application framework, it's just a way to implement a view e.g. a "User Interface Screen".
Baller Views are written in TypeScript. The reuslting transpiled JavaScript file can be use in any of the existing Baller runtimes - currently iOS, Android and Web.
Here's an overview of the functionality.
- Div: basic view container
- Field: text entry field
- Button: button
- Image: image
- Label: text
- List: easy, but powerful (iOS uses a UICollectionView to implement this)
- Http: for retrieval of JSON data
- Store: for easy, efficient storage/retrieval of JSON data
Docs are coming soon. For now, it's pretty easy to review the Classes and their APIs by looking at the core TypeScript implementation in the git repo here.
It's really easy to get up and running with Baller on any Web Page. Let's look at a simple web page example.
Create a file index.html with these contents. The comments explain it all. Very simple!
<!-- Baller Depends on Require -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Baller -->
<script src="[email protected]/ballerWeb.js"></script>
<!-- Create a Div with an ID for the Baller View -->
<div id="root1" style="border: solid black; position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width: 400px; height: 840px;">
<!-- Use the View Script -->
baseUrl: '' // tell Require root dir for View Scripts
BallerView("root1", "sample.js", 320); // create Baller With script