Baller is a cross-platform View Framework. It's not an Application framework, it's just a way to implement a view e.g. a "User Interface Screen".
Baller Views are written in TypeScript. The reuslting transpiled JavaScript file can be use in any of the existing Baller runtimes - currently iOS, Android and Web.
Here's an overview of the functionality.
- Div: basic view container
- Field: text entry field
- Button: button
- Image: image
- Label: text
- List: easy, but powerful (iOS uses a UICollectionView to implement this)
- Http: for retrieval of JSON data
- Store: for easy, efficient storage/retrieval of JSON data
Docs are coming soon. For now, it's pretty easy to review the Classes and their APIs by looking at the core TypeScript implementation in the git repo here.
It's really easy to get up and running with Baller in any Swift Application. Let's walk through the steps to create an Application from scratch:
- Create a new Swift App
- launch XCode 12
- Create New XCode Project (iOS, App, language: Swift, interface: Storyboard, project name: HostApp)
- Confirm you have a class named ViewController with a method viewDidLoad
- Confirm it builds, runs in Simulator - you see a white screen...
- Add the Baller Swift Package to your App
- File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency
- Use this Package
- for Rules, Version -> Exact -> 0.0.4
- Press Next (download occurs)
- Pres Finish
- Baller is now in your porject in a seciton called Swift Package Dependencies
- Check it out - you'll be able to see all the source cdoe
- Add a Sample Baller View to your App
- Open ViewController.swift
- at the top where you see import UIKit, add import Baller
- under the comment // Do any additional setup after loading the view, add this source code:
// get a frame that isn't under the status bar
var r = view.frame
r.origin.y = r.origin.y + 30
r.size.height = r.size.height - 30
// create the baller view, size it, add to hierarchy
let ballerView = BallerView(scaledWidth: 320); // width is "virtualed"
ballerView.frame = r
// load script (loadUrl is a convienence, but load can be used
// for a script that comes from anywhere)
ballerView.loadUrl(urlString: "")