Material design components (inspired by Google Material Design) for iOS written in Swift
Please feel free to make pull requests.
Highly customizable
Complete example
Supports @IBDesignable to live-render the component in the Interface Builder
By suporting @IBInspectable, the class properties can be exposed in the Interface Builder, and you can edit these properties in realtime
[�x] MKButton : floating action button, raised button, flat button, ripple effect
MKTextField: ripple effect, floating placeholder
MKTextView (Coming Soon)
MKSwitch (Coming Soon)
MKAlert (Coming Soon)
MKActivityIndicator (In progress)
MKAnimation (In progress)
- There are 3 types of main buttons:
Floating Action Button
,Raised Button
,Flat Button
- Custommizable attributes: color, ripple location, animation timing function, animation duration...
let button = MKButton(frame: CGRect(x: 10, y: 10, width: 100, height: 35))
button.maskEnabled = true
button.rippleLocation = .TapLocation
button.circleLayerColor = UIColor.MKColor.LightGreen
- Single-line text field
- Floating placeholder
- Ripple Animation
- Custommizable attributes: color, ripple location, animation timing function, animation duration...
textField.rippleLocation = .Left
textField.floatingPlaceholderEnabled = true
textField.placeholder = "Description"
textField.layer.borderColor = UIColor.MKColor.Green.CGColor
textField.circleLayerColor = UIColor.MKColor.LightGreen
- Custommizable attributes: color, ripple location, animation timing function, animation duration...
var cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("MyCell") as MyCell
cell.rippleLocation = .Center
cell.circleLayerColor = UIColor.MKColor.Blue
A subclass of CALayer.
A category for UIColor that adds some methods to get flat colors designed by Google
// get color from UIColor
let lightBlueColor = UIColor.MKColor.LightBlue
- iOS 7.0+
- Xcode 6.1
MaterialKit is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.