This has since gone through a large re-design to have a bit of it's own identity from PlexAniSync. However, a lot of code is still used from the original project, including this readme. Credits to them.
Note: This project is not dead, I just haven't really had any need to work on it, just seems to work.
Make sure you have Python 3.10 or higher installed:
Get the latest version using your favorite git client or by downloading the latest release from here:
From the project directory rename settings.ini.example
to settings.ini
, open settings.ini
with your favorite text editor and edit where needed.
Add in your anime section id (open library in browser and it should be there under "parentId") as well as your url and apikey that you created in emby dashboard.
URL should be {protocol}://{domain/ip}:{port}/emby. I don't think this actually needs /emby, but that's how it is documented in their api explorer.
# Comma Seperated List of library ID for update_all
anime_section_ids = 1,2
url =
I went with a multi-user approach, you can create a subsection under users to specify anilist username and token on a per-user basis. This is subject to change if I find a less hacky way of doing this... Might be a toml angle.
For AniList you need get a so called access_token
which you can retrieve via this link and if not logged in will ask you to do so:
Make sure to copy the entire key as it is pretty long and paste that in the settings file under 'access_token', no need to enclose it just paste it as-is.
IMPORTANT: To find your EMBY_USER_ID, go to the individual user's settings page and you will find it in the url.
Also, make sure you don't use email for anilist_username.
# Comma Seperated List of EMBY User Names (not sure if case sensitive) Corresponds to following subsections
users = Bob,Billy
emby_user_id = EMBY_USER_ID_HERE
anilist_username = ANILIST_USERNAME_HERE
anilist_token = ANILIST_TOKEN_HERE
emby_user_id = EMBY_USER_ID_HERE
anilist_username = ANILIST_USERNAME_HERE
anilist_token = ANILIST_TOKEN_HERE
Install the addtional requirements using the Python package installer (pip) from within the project folder: (Note: for Ubuntu 24.04 and maybe other versions, you will need to use venv as ubuntu prevents you from installing pip requirements outside of venv to prevent breaking packages)
pip install -r requirements.txt
For advanced users, it is ideal to do this in a virtual environment, here is an example of what you can do before the pip install to install in a venv. This may not be 100% on point, but I'll edit later :)
If you install reqs in a venv, make sure you either have the venv activated when you run, or specifically use the python executable in the venv.
python -m venv venv
python -m venv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
Now that configuration is finished and requirements have been installed we can finally start the sync script:
This will run an initial sync of everything, start a flask server to open up an endpoint for emby to send a webhook POST, and schedule a full sync every 4 hours (configurable in the future :))
Using Emby Webhooks, we are able to sync a season as soon as we are done watching.
Basic usage of this feature, more detailed instructions to come.
In Emby dashboard, you can create a webhook that points to your flask app:port/update_show, and sends on "Playback Stop" and "Mark Played"
Request Content type should be application/json
Some options here. Some of these instructions are user-provided.
Linux/SystemD Thanks @Amateur-God
Windows/NSSM Thanks @ft-scobra
All of this is copied over from the Parent Project so not 100% sure if accurate here.
You can manually link a Emby title and season to an AniList ID, to do so:
- From the project folder copy
- Add new entries there in the following format:
- title: "Emby title for series"
- season: Emby season
anilist-id: AniList series ID
- season: Emby season
anilist-id: AniList series ID
If the Emby season should be split into 2 seasons, add an optional start
parameter to each season like this:
- title: "Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-"
- season: 2
anilist-id: 108632
start: 1
- season: 2
anilist-id: 119661
start: 14
Episodes 1-13 will be mapped to Re:Zero 2nd Season Part 1, episodes 14 and higher will be mapped to Re:Zero 2nd Season Part 2.
- To find out the AniList ID you can visit the series page and copy it from the site url, like for example My Shield hero has ID 99263:
- You can remove any existing entries from the example file as they are purely instructional
- Upon startup it will check if the file is a valid YAML file. The most likely reason it's not is because you didn't put quotes around an anime title with special characters (e.g. ":") in it.
There are some mappings provided by the Github community at You can use them by specifying remote-urls
like in the example mapping file.
If the local mapping file contains mappings for the same show as the community mapping, the local one will take precedence.
The feature of synonyms was introduced for the community mappings where you can specify that a show can have one of multiple titles but should be mapped the same way. See Shaman King (2021) in the example mapping file.
If you want to load a different file you can do so by supplying it in the first argument like so:
python settings_alternate.ini
In case of the Tautulli sync helper script you can do as well, first argument will then be settings filename and second will be the series name like so:
python settings_alternate.ini <Emby show name>
By default if AniList episode count watched is higher than that of Emby it will skip over, this can be overriden with the setting Emby_episode_count_priority
When set to True it will update the AniList entry if Emby watched episode count is higher than 0 and will not take into account the AniList watched episode count even if that is higher.
Use this with caution as normally this isn't required and only meant for certain use cases.
- 3.7 compatibility if it is desired. I like a lot of 3.8->3.10 features so I decided to require 3.10
- Jellyfin Support?
PlexAniSync for Original Idea, and much of the code in this repo (notably the anilist side of things)
If you've benefited from this or any of my other projects, please consider supporting my work via Github Sponsors or Ko-fi.