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Releases: boxen/puppet-homebrew

Puppet 4 and Hiera 5 compatibility

25 Mar 21:53
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Updates the puppet-homebrew module to support Puppet 4 and Hiera 5.

This is a breaking change and will not work on older installations.

Deprecate `BoxenBottles` and Homebrew hooks

26 Nov 21:11
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  • Removes support for BoxenBottles and Homebrew hooks
  • Updates CI configuration

Update to homebrew 1.0.0

19 Oct 04:22
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  • Changed min_revision of homebrew 1.0.0 (#97)

2.0.2: Merge pull request #93 from salimane/brew_update

04 Apr 21:52
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04 Apr 20:19
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  • Fix Homebrew after the Homebrew/brew and Homebrew/homebrew-core repository separation

2.0.0: Merge pull request #86 from boxen/default-paths

18 Aug 10:35
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  • Boxen's Homebrew defaults to /usr/local (the default) unless you have an existing install in the previous location.

1.13.0: Merge pull request #85 from boxen/fix-downgrades

05 Jun 09:38
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  • Allows Boxen to downgrade Homebrew versions. Previously it just tried to use brew boxen-upgrade and this would always fail if the user had installed a version from Homebrew newer than the version from Boxen. Instead just brew unlink the undesired (newer) version and brew install the desired (older) version.

1.12.1: Merge pull request #84 from boxen/homebrew-revision-bump

01 Jun 13:46
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  • Updates the minimum version of Homebrew which fixes various issues around accidental upgrade of Homebrew packages installed by Boxen

1.12.0: Merge pull request #81 from boxen/binary-tweaks

12 Mar 12:45
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  • use https for binaries
  • use new download location. Well, I say "new" but this also means that the bottles from before the base64 encoding was used.
  • Don't set C*FLAGS. Homebrew ignores them anyway.
  • Don't set HOMEBREW_BUILD_BOTTLE. This stops Homebrew's bottles from ever being used and post_install blocks from being run when Homebrew is run by Boxen. If Boxen maintainers want to build bottles they can/should manually set this variable themselves.

1.11.6: Merge pull request #80 from boxen/create-tap-root

19 Feb 17:44
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Fix an issue where the Boxen tap root may not be created on fresh installs.