PubmedParser is an extension for MediaWiki. It provides a parser
keyword (#pmid
) to fetch article information by unique ID from the Pubmed
database. It outputs the article information formatted as Wiki markup for a
template. The template can be defined inside the Wiki and adjusted as needed.
Compared with the other, very useful extension Pubmed
(which, however, has not been updated in a while), this extension can be fully
configured using Wiki messages. It does not require editing
configuration files on the server.
PubmedParser fetches information on a single article at a time only. If you would like to generate lists of articles, please have a look at the Pubmed extension (provided it still works with recent versions of MediaWiki).
If the Cite extension is installed, you can add an additional parameter to
the #pmid keyword, and PubmedParser will generate a <ref name="additional parameter">...</ref>
structure for you. This makes it extremely easy to insert
reusably references into your Wiki page.
- Extension PubmedParser
To obtain the extension, you can either download a compressed archive from the
Github releases page: Choose one of the 'Source code' archives and extract
it in your Wiki's extension
folder. Note that these archives contain a folder
that is named after the release version, e.g. PubmedParser-5.1.0
. You may want
to rename the folder to PubmedParser
Alternatively (and preferred by the author), if you have Git, you can clone
the repository in the usual way into the extensions
To activate the extension, add the following to your LocalSettings.php
wfLoadExtension( 'PubmedParser' );
Older versions of the extension required the PHP parameter allow_url_fopen
be able to fetch XML data from PubMed. Since there are security concerns over
using this parameter, from version 1.0.0 on, PubmedParser will also work if
this option is not set. In that case, it will require the Curl library. Many
PHP servers are configured to work with Curl.
NCBI/Pubmed imposes a limit to the number of requests per second. If you expect your wiki to issue more than three requests per second (> 3/s), you will need an API key. The API key is a hexadecimal number with 36 digits. With an API key, the limit is raised to 10 per second. See "New API Keys for the E-utilities" and "A General Introduction to the E-utilities" at NCBI for more information.
Please note that this rate limit applies to your server, not to the users'
browsers. If you edit a page and have more than 3 new #pmid
keywords in the
text, your server will issue as many calls to the Pubmed API, and this may
exceed the rate limit. If you edit a page with pre-existing #pmid
no additional calls to the Pubmed API will be issued, because those records
can be fetched from cache. You can obtain an API key from the NCBI
Account Settings page.
In a similar vein, if there is a possibility that more than three users of your
wiki edit pages containing a #pmid
keyword at the same time, you may also want
to obtain and configure an API key in order to prevent error
messages from Pubmed.
Once you have your API key, place it in your LocalSettings.php
as follows:
$wgPubmedParserApiKey = `<your personal 36 hexadecimal digits>';
Keep your API key private to prevent abuse (which would be tracked back to your NCBI account).
By default, PubmedParser will attempt to use the PHP function
to fetch article information from the remote NCBI
servers. You can change this to cURL
if you wish -- for instance,
if file_get_contents()
is not available to you:
$wgPubmedParserRemoteFetchMethod = 'curl'; // default is 'file_get_contents'
To retrieve the article with PMID 19782018, insert the following into your page:
This will produce the following output:
|title=How to choose a good scientific problem
|journal=Molecular cell|journala=Mol. Cell.
However, you will never get to see this output, since {{pubmed|...}}
represents a template, which is immediately processed by the MediaWiki
- The template
must exist in your wiki; otherwise, "Template:pubmed" will be inserted in red into your displayed page (click on the red link to create the template). - You can fully customize the names of the template itself as well as the names of the parameters of the template (see below).
- Your template does not need to use all parameters; unused parameters will be discarded.
is an abbreviated list of the author names; useallauthors
if you need all of the names.journal
is the full journal name as stored in Pubmed; usejournala
to get the MedLine title abbreviation.
Thus, if your template looks like this:
{{{authors}}}: {{{title}}}. ''{{{journala}}}'' {{{year}}};{{{volume}}}:{{{pages}}}.
You will get this:
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;"
| Alon: How to choose a good scientific problem. ''Mol. Cell.'' 2009;35:726-8.
You can use the following variables in your "pubmed" template. Note that you can edit all variable names (as well as the name of the template itself) according to your needs (see Customization below).
Parameter | Description |
{{{authors}}} |
Abbreviated list of author names. If there are only two authors, they will be concatenated by "&"; with three or more authors, an "et al." will be appended after the first author. Note: You can edit the "&" and "et al." at Special:AllMessages (see below). |
{{{authorsi}}} |
Abbreviated list of author names, just like above, but with initials appended. Note: You can edit the separator between last name and first name as well as what to put after the initials (e.g., a period) at Special:AllMessages (see below). |
{{{allauthors}}} |
List of all author names. The last author's name is appended with "&". Note: You can edit the "&" and "et al." at Special:AllMessages (see below). |
{{{allauthorsi}}} |
List of all author names, just like above, but with initials appended. Note: You can edit the separator between last name and first name as well as what to put after the initials (e.g., a period) at Special:AllMessages (see below). |
{{{title}}} |
The title of the article. A trailing period will be stripped. |
{{{journal}}} |
The full name of the journal as stored in Pubmed. Capitalization is the same as in Pubmed. |
{{{journalcaps}}} |
The full name of the journal as stored in Pubmed with all words capitalized. |
{{{journala}}} |
The abbreviated name of the journal (ISO specification), e.g.: N. Engl. J. Med. |
{{{journalanop}}} |
The abbreviated name of the journal (ISO specification) without periods, e.g.: N Engl J Med |
{{{year}}} |
The year the article was published. |
{{{volume}}} |
The volume of the journal. |
{{{pages}}} |
The pagination as stored in Pubmed. Leading digits may be omitted in the last page number; for example, "1324 through 1336" is given as "1324-36". |
{{{pmid}}} |
The PMID number (i.e., the same ID that was used to call #pmid). |
{{{doi}}} |
The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of the article that points to the full text. Not all Pubmed entries provide this information. |
{{{abstract}}} |
The article's abstract. If you want to have a ''collapsible'' abstract in your template, consider the example below. |
{{{authors}}}: {{{title}}}. ''{{{journala}}}'' {{{year}}};
PMID: [{{{pmid|}}}]({{{pmid|}}}).
(When copying this into your own Wiki, make sure to place the entire code on one line.)
Formatted example:
Cumming ''et al.'': Error bars in experimental biology.
''J. Cell Biol.'' 2007;177:7-11.
PMID: [17420288](
Note: This template requires the ParserFunctions extension (which provides
) to link the DOI only if it is contained in the Pubmed
Alternative with collapsible abstract:
{{#if:{{{authorsi}}}|{{{authorsi}}}:}} {{{title}}}.
PMID: [{{{pmid|}}}]({{{pmid|}}}).
{{#if:{{{doi}}}|DOI: [{{{doi}}}]({{{doi}}}).}}
{{#if:{{{pmc}}}|[Full text]({{{pmc}}}?report=reader)}}
{{#if:{{{abstract}}}|<span class="abstract mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
data-expandtext="Abstract" data-collapsetext="Abstract">{{{abstract}}}</span>}}
You may add an additional parameter to the #PMID call to make the PubmedParser
automatically insert <ref></ref>
tags. The Cite extension will use these
tags to build your bibliography. To reuse the reference, simply insert
<ref name="yourparameter" />
This will produce the following output:
<ref name="Alon2009">{{pubmed|pmid=19782018|authors=Alon|allauthors=Alon|title=How to choose a good scientific problem|journal=Molecular cell|journala=Mol. Cell.|year=2009|volume=35|pages=726-8|doi=10.1016/j.molcel.2009.09.013}}</ref>
Since this output is immediately parsed again by MediaWiki, you will never get to see it this way; instead, you will see the footnote generated by the Cite extension, which contains whatever output your template "pubmed" produces from this.
To cite this same paper again, simply type <ref name="Alon2009" />
Occasionally, Pubmed article information is updated, e.g. when an article that
was initially published online-only appears in print. When using the cache
feature, you can force retrieval of information from Pubmed by adding a
'reload' parameter to your #pmid
It goes without saying that the updated information is stored in the cache folder.
Note that reloading only occurs when a page is edited but not when it is
viewed. Therefore, you can leave the 'reload' parameter in your #pmid
without causing superfluous download requests from Pubmed. The next time you
edit a page, you can remove the 'reload' option, and the article information
will be retrieved from cache again.
In addition to using the default template specified in the extension's
configuration, the PubmedParser extension allows users to specify a different
template name directly within the #pmid
parser function call. This can be
particularly useful if you have multiple templates for different types of
articles or display formats and want to choose among them on a case-by-case
To specify a custom template name, simply add a parameter prefixed by #
. For example:
In the example above, instead of using the default template (e.g., pubmed
the extension will use the anothertemplate
template to format and display the
fetched Pubmed article information. Ensure that the custom template you specify
exists in your wiki. If it doesn't, a red link to the non-existent template will
be displayed on the page.
Of course! Here's a suitable explanation that you can incorporate into the documentation:
The PubmedParser extension supports direct parameter passing in the form of
within the #pmid
parser function. This feature is especially
valuable when you want to provide supplementary information or customize the
display of the fetched article data in the template.
For example, if you wish to provide an additional full-text URL for the article:
In the above syntax, the fulltexturl
parameter with the value
will be passed directly to the template.
Within the template, you can then use the {{{fulltexturl}}}
placeholder to
display or link to the provided full-text URL.
You can customize the name of the template as well as the names of the
parameters by editing the system messages of your wiki: Go to
and filter for pubmedparser
Name | Description | Default value |
pubmedparser-templatename |
Name of the MediaWiki template | pubmed |
pubmedparser-abstract |
Template parameter for the abstract | abstract |
pubmedparser-authors |
Template parameter for the abbreviated list of authors | authors |
pubmedparser-authorsi |
Template parameter for abbreviated list of authors with initials | authorsi |
pubmedparser-allauthors |
Template parameter for the complete list of authors | allauthors |
pubmedparser-allauthorsi |
Template parameter for the complete list of authors with initials | allauthorsi |
pubmedparser-journal |
Template parameter for the journal name (Pubmed style) | journal |
pubmedparser-journalcaps |
Template parameter for the journal name (capitalized) | journalcaps |
pubmedparser-journala |
Template parameter for the abbreviated journal name | journala |
pubmedparser-journalanop |
Template parameter for the complete list of authors without periods | journalanop |
pubmedparser-volume |
Template parameter for the volume | volume |
pubmedparser-pages |
Template parameter for the pagination | pages |
pubmedparser-firstpage |
Template parameter for the first page number | firstpage |
pubmedparser-year |
Template parameter for the year of publication | year |
pubmedparser-doi |
Template parameter for the digital object identifier (DOI) | doi |
pubmedparser-title |
Template parameter for the article title | title |
pubmedparser-and |
Concatenation symbol for the last author name (e.g., "and") | & |
pubmedparser-etal |
Abbreviation of the author list | ''et al.'' |
pubmedparser-initialseparator |
Separator between last name and initials (e.g., ",") | [empty] |
pubmedparser-initialperiod |
Abbreviation symbol for the initials (e.g., "." or ". "). | [empty] |
The 4.x and later versions finally respect the database prefix settings for the
caching table. Before upgrading the database (php maintenance/update.php
you may want to manually rename any existing Pubmed caching table with your
custom prefix:
RENAME TABLE Pubmed TO <YourPrefix>Pubmed;
(Or use your GUI/web UI of choice, e.g. phpMyAdmin.)
Of course this is only necessary if you to use table prefixes, i.e. you have a
line $wgDBPrefix = '<YourPrefix>';
in your LocalSettings.php
. Caveat: Don't
change this MediaWiki setting after installation; otherwise, you'll need to
manually rename all your database tables!
This extension provides a docker-compose.yml
file to facilitate development
and testing. Please read refer to
and read this
document carefully.
The docker-compose.yml
in this extension's repository has been tweaked to link
the mediawiki
subdirectory as a volume into the mediawiki container. You must
create this directory first! On my Linux machine, I have cloned the entire
MediaWiki repository to an entirely different location (because I use it for
several projects) and symlink it into my project directory, where docker compose
can pick it up and link it into the container. The mediawiki/
is git-ignored by .gitignore
The following commands download MediaWiki, enable the extension, and install MediaWiki in a docker-compose container:
pushd /where/i/keep/mediawiki
git clone --depth 1 mediawiki
ln -s /where/i/keep/mediawiki/mediawiki mediawiki
docker compose up -d
docker compose exec mediawiki echo "wfLoadExtension( 'PubmedParser' );" >> LocalSettings.php
docker compose exec mediawiki composer update
docker compose exec mediawiki /bin/bash /docker/
Please note that cloning the MediaWiki core repository will download about 1 GB (at the time of writing). You may want to perform a shallow clone as shown above, this will reduce the download size to under 50 MB.
Also note that contrary to what is described in
, we do not
set the user and group ID in our docker-compose file -- it turned out that
this caused all sorts of permission problems when setting up the database
and updating composer. Maybe I'll find a solution for this in the future.
To actually run the tests, make sure the container is up and running, the issue:
docker compose exec mediawiki composer phpunit:entrypoint -- extensions/PubmedParser/tests/phpunit -v
Copyright (c) 2011-2025 Daniel Kraus (bovender) and co-authors
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.