If you want to know how the new version looks like check it out here.
- Pauline Roppe (Design-Frontend)
- Stéphanie Grosjean (Frontend)
- Alexandre Bove (Frontend)
- Stéphane Wiertz (Frontend)
- Antony Rizzitelli (Full Stack)
- Thibaut Janssens (Backend)
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
You'll need npm to download and install all the dependencies.
To get a development env running, install all the dependencies with:
npm install
Don't forget to edit your .env file. If you do not have one:
touch .env
And modify your credentials: GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS = your_key
To start your node server, you'll need first to build the application with.
npm run build
Then you can run the server by using the command (by default the server will start on localhost:8000):
npm run start
The project is ready to deploy on heroku, just push this repo to your herokuapp repository. Add you addon for the database with the following :
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
Don't forget to edit the configs with:
- APP_ENV = production