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Quickstart 451

Muhammed Erkam Gökcepınar edited this page Oct 25, 2024 · 3 revisions

1-Running the application locally

To run the backend in your local machine, follow the steps below. Make sure you have docker installed on your system. Also make sure that you can run docker compose command. Then follow these steps:

  1. Pull the repository
  2. Go into the project cd bounswe2024group2
  3. docker compose build
  4. docker compose up -d
git clone
cd bounswe2024group2
docker compose build
docker compose up -d

After that API, web, db and a local smtp configured in our system using mail hog. Any mail sent to visible on 8025 port of our localhost.

API is served on localhost:8000
WEB is served on localhost:3000
MAILHOG is served on localhost:8025

Deployment on CSP

The application is deployed on Digital Ocean. To access application frontend simply go

Similarly to view deployed api

2-Running the mobile application locally

To execute the mobile app in your local machine, necessary configurations should be applied stated in official React Native startup documentation.

Run the Application for the First Time

After clonning the repository go to the directory 'mobile' with

git clone
cd ./mobile

You should install the dependencies of the project with

npm install

Then take the first build with

npx react-native run-android

This command builds the android application and executes it.

Execution After the First Build

After taking the first build and execution, if you want to start the application it is enough to call this command in the './mobile' path:

npm start

Then you can start the application on android in your local, following the instructions in the command line.

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