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Harun Reşid Ergen's ML2 Individual Contribution Report

Harun Reşid Ergen edited this page Dec 1, 2023 · 1 revision

Member: Harun Reşid Ergen


  • Maintaining Stability of Login and Registration Pages: Ensured the continuous stability and functionality of the application's sign-in and sign-up pages.

  • Adding Essential Buttons and Functionalities: Involved in adding necessary buttons to the application and writing their functionalities to enhance user interaction.

  • Developing Data Storage and Usage Functions: Developed functionalities for storing and utilizing data within the application, ensuring efficient data handling.

  • Writing Services and Facilitating Backend Communication: Wrote services for the application and established communication with the backend, ensuring seamless data exchange and processing.

Main contributions:

  • Code-related significant issues:

    • #364 Update Sign In and Sign Up Pages: Updated the login and registration pages in line with the latest mockups.
    • #369 Adjust Button Visibilities According to Role: Modified the visibility of buttons based on user roles.
    • #370 Add Responder Buttons: Contributed to adding responder buttons to enhance user interaction.
    • #432 Update Backend URL and Constants: Updated the backend URL and organized string constants.
    • #437 Edit Backend Requests: Worked on editing and optimizing backend requests for better performance.
    • #449 Backend Integration for Add Request: Implemented backend requests for the "Add Request" functionality.
    • #452 Add CategoryNodeTree Services: Integrated CategoryNodeTree services into the "Add Request" feature.
    • #496 Backend Integration for Add Resource: Sent requests to the backend for the "Add Resource" functionality.
  • Pull requests:

    • #402 Update Sign In and Sign Up Pages: Implemented updates to the login and registration pages.
    • #423 Add Responder Buttons: Added responder buttons to the app.
    • #429 Adjust Button Visibilities: Adjusted button visibilities based on user roles using shared preferences.
    • #433 Update Backend URL in Constants.kt: Updated the backend URL and created a UserSessionManager.
    • #435 Implement UserSessionManager in Profile: Integrated the UserSessionManager into the profile section.
    • #440 Edit Backend Requests: Enhanced backend request functionalities.
    • #453 Integrate CategoryNodeTree Services: Implemented CategoryNodeTree services in the "Add Request" feature.
    • #497 Implement Resource Creation: Added functionality for creating resources in the app.

Additional information:

  • I focused too much on integrating and implementing the User Session Manager, optimizing backend requests, and ensuring the application's data fetching, storing, and utilization processes ran smoothly. I spent effort on enhancing the app's functionality, ensuring efficient data management, and maintaining interaction between the app and the backend.

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