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Meeting Notes #1

kutaysaran edited this page Mar 7, 2022 · 5 revisions

1. Meeting Details

📅 Date: 06/03/2022

📍 Location: Zoom

🕐 Duration: 20.00 - 21.00

📝 Note Taker: Sena Özpınar


  • Berkant Koç
  • Cem Sarpkaya
  • Furkan Özdemir
  • Ömer Faruk Şişman
  • Burak Ferit Aktan
  • Kutay Saran
  • Can Bora Uğur
  • Berke Çalışkan
  • Sena Özpınar

2. Agenda

  • 2.1 Determination of the time of the weekly meetings
  • 2.2 Getting to know each other
  • 2.3 Examining the first homework
  • 2.4 Deciding wiki page templates
  • 2.5 Everyone creating their own personal wikipage
  • 2.6 Distribution of tasks to the team members and setting their deadlines
  • 2.7 Discussion of our communication plan

3. Discussions

  • 3.1 What the tags will be
    • Priority tags, bug, feature, research, documentation
  • 3.2 Distribution of tasks and setting their deadlines
  • 3.3 The time and place of the weekly meetings
    • Tuesdays on 20.00, on Zoom
  • 3.4 We decided on our Communication Plan

4. Actions

Act.No Person Action Deadline
1 Ömer Faruk Şişman Create a template for the wiki homepage 07.03.22
Monday @23.59
2 Berkant Koç Fill in the wiki homepage 07.03.22
Monday @23.59
3 Ömer Faruk Şişman Create a template for the meeting notes 07.03.22
Monday @23.59
4 Sena Özpınar,
Can Bora Uğur
Fill in the meeting notes 07.03.22
Monday @23.59
5 Kutay Saran Create the communication plan 07.03.22
Monday @23.59
6 Burak Ferit,
Cem Sarpkaya
Modify README 07.03.22
Monday @22.00
7 Berke Çalışkan Create tags 07.03.22
Monday @23.59
8 Furkan Özdemir Create the page for favourite repos 07.03.22
Monday @23.59
9 Everyone Meet on Zoom 08.03.22
Tuesday @20.00
10 Everyone Create a personal wiki page 07.03.22
Monday @23.59
11 Everyone Add favourite repos 07.03.22
Monday @23.59
Clone this wiki locally