This repository has been developed as part of the course "02229 - Systems Optimization E20" at the Technical University of Denmark. The goal is to develop and compare different methods for constructive and iterative metaheuristics on the example of routing data traffic in vehicles. For details, check
cd path/to/src
javac router/*.java
java router.PathPlanner
This will invoke the programme with default parameters. Those are:
- input file path: "../data/TC0_example.app_network_description"
- output file path: "../out.xml"
- constructive metaheuristic: "bfs"
- iterative metaheuristic: "sa"
- runtime (s): 10
- neighbourhood function: -1
Provide a valid path to an .app_network_description file. This file contains all the information needed to run the optimization. You can change this parameter by adding the following flag:
java router.PathPlanner -in path/to/input/file
The result of the optimization is a number of routes for the traffic streams defined in the input file. They are written to an .xml file which is in accordance with the output format standards defined in the task description for this project. This file is saved to the output file path. You can change this parameter by adding the following flag:
java router.PathPlanner -out path/to/output/file
This parameter defines how the initial solution is build. We provide a random solution builder ("rnd"), a breadth first search solution builder ("bfs"), and an A* based solution builder ("astar"). You can change this parameter by adding the following flag:
java router.PathPlanner -sb astar
java router.PathPlanner -sb bfs
java router.PathPlanner -sb rnd
This defines the optimization strategy. We have implemented a version of the simulated annealing metaheuristic ("sa") and a genetic algorithm with tournament selection ("ga"). The genetic algorithm is only compatible with the random neighbourhood function and solution builder. You can change this parameter by adding the following flag:
java router.PathPlanner -mh sa
java router.PathPlanner -mh ga
The stop criterion for the iterative optimization is time. Any postive integer value is a valid argument. You can change this parameter by adding the following flag:
java router.PathPlanner -rt 5
java router.PathPlanner -rt 300
The neighbourhood function is used by the simmulated annealing algorithm to generate solutions that are similar to the current one. We implemented one neighbourhood function that replaces a segment of one route in the solution with a randomly generate new segment. The only constraint is that the nodes must be connected to each other as defined by the input file.
The other option is a more goal-oriented approach. For one route in the solution, the three shortest paths are generated between the source and the destination node. Then, one of these three paths is randomly selected.
You can choose between these options:
- -1 for a random choice at every iteration
- 0 to enforce the one out of k shortest paths function
- 1 to enforce the random function
You can change this parameter by adding the following flag:
java router.PathPlanner -nn -1
java router.PathPlanner -nn 0
java router.PathPlanner -nn 1
Run the genetic algorithm on the huge test file for 30 seconds with random initial solutions:
java router.PathPlanner -rt 30 -in "../data/TC7_huge.app_network_description" -mh ga -sb rnd
In order to evaluate the different combinations of settings, we added a testbench to the project which automatically generates solutions for all possible configurations and consolidates the scores. It requires a folder "./data" containing all provided test cases and another folder "./solutions" where the output files will be saved. Additionally, it creates a summary file under "./data/scores.csv". The automated testing can be invoked by the following commands (CAREFUL: LONG RUNTIME):
cd path/to/test
javac -cp ".;../src" *.java
java -cp ".;../src" TestBench