Taught by me, Kirill Borusyak, at UC Berkeley's Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Fall 2024
Please email me at [email protected] if you notice typos, mistakes, or have other suggestions for how to improve the course.
Course outline:
A. Introduction: regression and causality
A1. Key facts about regression
A2. Potential outcomes and randomized control trials
B. Selection on observables
B1. Regression adjustment
B2. Matching and propensity score methods
B3. Doubly-robust methods
C. Panel data methods
C1. Linear panel data methods recap
C2. Canonical difference-in-differences (DiD) and event studies
C3. DiD with staggered adoption
C4. Synthetic control methods and factor models
D. Instrumental variables (IVs)
D1. IV idea and mechanics. Weak instruments
D2. IV with heterogeneous effects
D3. Formula instruments, recentering, spillovers, shift-share IV
D4. Examiner designs (“judge IVs”)
E. Regression discontinuity (RD) designs
E1. Sharp RD designs
E2. RD extensions: fuzzy RD, spatial RD, RD extrapolation, and more
F. Miscellaneous topics: Models with multiplicative effects and Poisson regression; More on statistical inference
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