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Christian Sterzl edited this page Sep 30, 2014 · 1 revision

To develop on this jQuery plugin fork the code and start making pull requests. But I expect the pull requests in a specific format.

Pull Request Format

Pull Requests should ...

  • ... fulfill the Definition of Done.
  • ... conform to the projects Code format
  • ... do not contain any changes in paths which contain the path 'dist' or 'generated', although they are in the repository. They only get updated in the repository when a release is done. This makes changes in the code much clearer.


Grunt is used for compiling the code. Following task definitions exist.


To compile the code fully just run 'grunt'. It generates the templates and commands, minified versions, copies the src versions to the dist folder.


This target only generates the templates and commands. This is useful during development.

During development

Development is done with the file 'index-dev.html'. In the long run a livereload version is thinkable. This is also the file where I test pull requests.


For testing Qunit is used.

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