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An automated tool to sync parents and students in Blackbaud with Google Groups


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BG Group Sync

Deploy To Azure License Version

An automated tool to sync parents and students in Blackbaud to Google Groups.

Google Groups offers a convient way to have mailing and distribution lists for teachers, parents, and students. However, manually maintaining the members of each individual group can become time consuming and combersome. If your school makes use of Blackbaud as your SIS, then you're in luck! BG Group Sync offers a convient way to find users in Blackbaud and automatically add them to the appropriate Google Groups.


  • Custom sync schedules
  • Ability to specify both parent and student Blackbaud roles to use
  • Individual control over whether to sync parents and/or students
  • Automatic creation of missing Google Groups (including auto naming and setting of default permissions)
  • Automatic creation of missing student Google Accounts
  • Automatic removal of past parents from Google Groups
  • Automatic updating of student emails in Blackbaud (matches a students email in Blackbaud with their email found in the Google domain)
  • Sync job reports via email
  • Built to be hosted using Azure Functions (free plan)
  • Self hosted end to end

Example Use Case

Take a school which uses Google Groups to manage mailing lists for parents and students based off of graduation year. For each graduation year, they use the following naming scheme for their Google Groups:

Class of 2023 - Parents of 2023 -

If all active students have a particular role in Blackbaud, for example Student, and all parents have a role, for example Parent, then BG Group Sync can work its magic!

Here's what the sync process for students would look like:

  1. Starting with all users who have the Student role in Blackbaud, we'll try to find each user in the Google domain by first using their email in Blackbaud, then by their first name and last name, and then finally by their Blackbaud preferred name and last name. As a secondary check in the case of multiple students with the same name, it's assumed that the student being matched will have an email address that contains at least the last 2 digits of their graduation year.

  2. Once a match is found, the student's email address will automatically be updated in Blackbaud to match the email address of the user found in Google.

  3. Now, using the naming scheme provided in the setup options (in this case, "Class of" plus the graduation year), the Google Group is found or created automatically if it doesn't exist.

  4. Finally, the student is added to the Google Group if they weren't a member already

The sync process for parents is very similar and looks like the following:

  1. Starting with all users who have the Parent role in Blackbaud, we'll use their relationships within Blackbaud to create a list of their active students.

  2. For each active student found, we'll search for a corresponding Google Group using the naming scheme provided in the setup options (in this case, "Parents of" plus the graduation year). If a corresponding Google Group is not found, it will automatically be created.

  3. From there, the parent is added to each of the Google Groups if they weren't a member already


First, clone the repository using git and then use npm to install the necessary node modules. If Node.js is not already installed, please do so before running npm.

# Clone the repository
git clone

# Enter the directory
cd bg-group-sync

# Install the dependencies
npm install

Next, copy default.settings.json to local.settings.json.

cp default.settings.json local.settings.json

Note: The project must be configured before it can be ran


Due to the nature of this project, there is unfortunately quite a bit of configuration that must be done before it can be ran. See the 3 sections before on how this can be accomplished.

Blackbaud SKY API Application

This application makes use of Blackbaud's SKY API in order to communicate with your Blackbaud environment. To retrieve the necessary BLACKBAUD_OAUTH_ID, BLACKBAUD_OAUTH_SECRET, and BLACKBAUD_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY values, please follow the steps below to setup a SKY API developer account and application.

  1. First, create a SKY API developer account if you don't already have one according to the Getting Started guide.

  2. Next, to create a SKY API application, click on "My account" from the SKY API home page. Then, click on "My applications" and then "Add". Enter the details of the application (since this won't be published to the Blackbaud Marketplace you can enter anything) and then click on "Save".

  3. Now, to get the application's OAuth ID, click on the newly made application and then click on "Show" under "Application ID (OAuth client_id)" and use the revealed string for BLACKBAUD_OAUTH_ID. Then to retrieve the OAuth secret, click on "Show" under "Primary application secret (OAuth client_secret)" and use the revealed string for BLACKBAUD_OAUTH_SECRET.

  4. Under "Redirect URIs", click on "Edit" and then "Add a redirect URI". If you're running the application locally, enter http://localhost:7071/setup/callback. Otherwise, add the domain name being used plus the following path: /setup/callback.

  5. To connect the application to your Blackbaud environment, click on "Copy links" -> "Connect application link" and visit the copied URL. The web page will guide you through the process of connecting the application to your environment.

  6. For the subscription key, go back to your application list and then click on "My subscriptions" in the left navbar. Next, click on "Show" to the right of "Primary access key" and use the revealed string for BLACKBAUD_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY.

The application should now have access to your Blackbaud SKY API application!

Google Cloud Console

To interact with your Google Admin environment, this application uses Google's Admin SDK API. In order to retrieve the necessary GOOGLE_AUTH_SERVICE_EMAIL and GOOGLE_AUTH_SERVICE_KEY values, please follow the steps below to setup a new project and API service account.

  1. To create a new project, first go to the Google Cloud Console and login with an account under your Google domain. Then in the top left hand side of the top navbar, click on your organization's name and then "NEW PROJECT". Enter the name of the project and make sure the organization matches the Google domain being used with the application. Afterwards, click on "CREATE" to create the project.

  2. Now, to enable the Admin SDK API, select your newly created project at the top left of the navbar and click on "APIs & Services" under "Quick access" or under the left hand side navbar. From there, click on "ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES" and search for "Admin SDK API". Once found, click on it and then click "ENABLE".

  3. Next, to create a service account, click on the hamburger menu in the top left and then "APIs & Services" -> "Credentials". Now, click on "CREATE CREDENTIALS" -> "Service account". Fill in the necessary details and then click on "CREATE AND CONTINUE". Afterwards, click on "DONE".

  4. In order to create login credentials for the service account, click on the newly created account under "Service Accounts" and then click on "KEYS". Then, click on "ADD KEY" -> "Create new key". From there, select JSON and then "CREATE". Then, open up the downloaded json file and use client_email key for GOOGLE_AUTH_SERVICE_EMAIL and the private_key key for GOOGLE_AUTH_SERVICE_KEY.

  5. Now, in the Google Admin Console, ensure the service account is assigned a role with at minimum the following privileges:

Admin API Privileges:

  • Users > Read
  • Users > Create
  • Groups > Create
  • Groups > Read
  • Groups > Update
  • Organizational Units > Read

The application should now have access to your Google Groups!

Application Settings

The following table shows the various configuration options which can be set and their default values. These settings are changed in the local.settings.json file or in the function app's configuration settings if deployed to Azure.

Note: The settings in bold are required. Refer to their corresponding configuration section on how to retrieve them

Name Type Default Description
SYNC_SCHEDULE String 0 0 0 * * * Determines the frequency of sync operations using an NCronTab expression. Defaults to 12AM everyday
SYNC_SCHEDULE_ENABLED Boolean true Set to true if the sync schedule should be used, false if otherwise. If false, sync operations must be started manually
SYNC_STUDENTS Boolean true Set to true if students should be synced to Google Groups, false if otherwise
SYNC_PARENTS Boolean true Set to true if parents should be synced to Google Groups, false if otherwise
SYNC_STUDENT_EMAILS Boolean false Set to true if students emails in Blackbaud should be updated to reflect their email address found in Google
SYNC_CREATE_ACCOUNTS Boolean false Set to true if missing student Google accounts should automatically be created
BLACKBAUD_OAUTH_ID String The application ID (OAuth client_id) of your Blackbaud SKY API application
BLACKBAUD_OAUTH_SECRET String The primary application secret (OAuth client_secret) of your Blackbaud SKY API application
BLACKBAUD_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY String The primary access key of your Blackbaud SKY API subscription
BLACKBAUD_STUDENT_ROLE String Student The Blackbaud role used when searching for students to sync to Google Groups
BLACKBAUD_PARENT_ROLE String Parent The Blackbaud role used when searching for parents to sync to Google Groups
BLACKBAUD_PAST_PARENT_ROLES String Parent of Past Student, Parent of Alumni A comma separated list of additional Blackbaud roles used when searching for parents to remove from Google Groups
GOOGLE_DOMAIN String The FQDN of your Google Workspace organization
GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_CREATION_PASSWORD String TEMP_PASSWORD_CHANGE_THIS! The default password used when creating Google accounts
GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_CREATION_ORG_UNIT_PATH String /Students The default Organizational Unit (OU) path to search for OU's following the GOOGLE_STUDENT_GROUP_NAME naming convention. By default, accounts are put into this OU if a sub OU with the correct name cannot be found
GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_CREATION_MIN_GRAD_YEAR String The minimum graduation year required in order for a Google account to be created (in other words, the graduation year cutoff). By default accounts are created regardless of the graduation year
GOOGLE_STUDENT_GROUP_EMAIL_PREFIX String students The prefix of the email address used when creating missing student Google Groups
GOOGLE_STUDENT_GROUP_NAME String Class of The name to use when creating missing student Google Groups. Note: The graduation year is automatically added to the end of this string
GOOGLE_PARENT_GROUP_EMAIL_PREFIX String parents The prefix of the email address used when creating missing parent Google Groups
GOOGLE_PARENT_GROUP_NAME String Parents of The name to use when creating missing parent Google Groups. Note: The graduation year is automatically added to the end of this string
GOOGLE_AUTH_SERVICE_EMAIL String The email address of the Google Cloud Console service account to use
GOOGLE_AUTH_SERVICE_KEY String The service key of the Google Cloud Console service account to use
SMTP_REPORTS_ENABLED Boolean false Set to true if email reports should be set after a sync job, false if otherwise
SMTP_REPORT_FREQUENCY String always Determines the frequency of email reports. Acceptable values are: "always" - A report is sent after every sync job, "on-error" - A report is sent only if an error or a warning was encountered, and "on-warning" - A report is sent only if a warning was encountered
SMTP_TO_EMAIL String The email address to send the sync job report to
SMTP_SEND_AS_EMAIL String The email address used for sending emails via SMTP
SMTP_HOST String The hostname or ip of the SMTP server to use
SMTP_PORT Int 587 The port to use when connecting to the SMTP server
SMTP_USE_TLS Boolean false Set to true if TLS should be used when connecting to the SMTP server, false if otherwise
SMTP_USERNAME String The username to use during authentication with the SMTP server
SMTP_PASSWORD String The password to use during authentication with the SMTP server
GOOGLE_STUDENT_WHO_CAN_ADD String Permissions for who can add group members
GOOGLE_STUDENT_WHO_CAN_JOIN String Permissions for who can join the group
GOOGLE_STUDENT_WHO_CAN_VIEW_MEMBERSHIP String Permissions for who can view group membership
GOOGLE_STUDENT_WHO_CAN_VIEW_GROUP String Permissions for who can view group messages
GOOGLE_STUDENT_WHO_CAN_INVITE String Permissions for who can invite new members
GOOGLE_STUDENT_WHO_CAN_POST_MESSAGE String Permissions for who can post messages
GOOGLE_STUDENT_WHO_CAN_LEAVE_GROUP String Permissions for who can leave the group
GOOGLE_STUDENT_WHO_CAN_CONTACT_OWNER String Permissions for who can contact owners of the group
GOOGLE_STUDENT_WHO_CAN_DISCOVER_GROUP String Permissions for whom this group is discoverable
GOOGLE_PARENT_WHO_CAN_ADD String Permissions for who can add group members
GOOGLE_PARENT_WHO_CAN_JOIN String Permissions for who can join the group
GOOGLE_PARENT_WHO_CAN_VIEW_MEMBERSHIP String Permissions for who can view group membership
GOOGLE_PARENT_WHO_CAN_VIEW_GROUP String Permissions for who can view group messages
GOOGLE_PARENT_WHO_CAN_INVITE String Permissions for who can invite new members
GOOGLE_PARENT_WHO_CAN_POST_MESSAGE String Permissions for who can post messages
GOOGLE_PARENT_WHO_CAN_LEAVE_GROUP String Permissions for who can leave the group
GOOGLE_PARENT_WHO_CAN_CONTACT_OWNER String Permissions for who can contact owners of the group
GOOGLE_PARENT_WHO_CAN_DISCOVER_GROUP String Permissions for whom this group is discoverable

Note: The default permissions for created Google Groups can be modified in src/environment.ts -> studentGroupPermissions and parentGroupPermissions respectively. Refer to the table here on acceptable values


To start the application locally simply run:

npm run build

npm run start:local

This will start a local web server at http://localhost:7071.


Before the BG Group Sync can fully work, a Blackbaud account must linked. Since this account will be used by the SKY API, it's recommended that you setup a new user specifically for this application. Whichever user you choose (existing or new), make sure it has the following roles:

  • SKY API Basic
  • SKY API Data Sync
  • Any Manager Role
  • Platform Manager
  • Page Manager
  • Content Editor (possibly Content Manager)

Afterwards, visit http://localhost:7071/setup to go through the setup process of linking your Blackbaud user to the application.

Once complete, BG Group Sync is ready to go! To start a sync job, you can either invoke it manually or if schedules are enabled, wait for the schedule to trigger the job.

Manual Sync Job

To manually start a sync job, simply visit: http://localhost:7071/sync

Sync Schedules

With sync schedules, you can have sync jobs run automatically without any user input. To enable it, simply set SYNC_SCHEDULE_ENABLED to true in the application's settings. The scheduling is controlled via the SYNC_SCHEDULE setting with NCrontab formatted strings. A few example situations are shown below:

NCrontab Format:

* * * * *
- - - - -
|                            |                                  |                         |     |
| undefined------------------------ | undefined------------------------------ | undefined--------------------- | +-) |
|                            |                                  | +------- month (1 - 12) |     |
|                            | +--------- day of month (1 - 31) |                         |     |
| +----------- hour (0 - 23) |                                  |                         |     |
+------------- min (0 - 59)


Occurance NCrontab
Every 6 hours 0 _/6 _ * *
12AM every day 0 0 0 * * *
1AM every Sunday 0 1 * * 0
2AM every 2 days 0 2 _/2 _ *
2AM on the 1st of every month 0 2 1 * *

Note: For more examples, refer to crontab guru

Deployment to Azure

Deploy To Azure

Deploy Resources

To deploy the necessary resources to Azure, simply click on the link above and fill out the parameters in the deployment template. By default the location for all resources is based on the choosen Region. However, this can be changed by using the Location and App Insights Location options.

Deploy the Function App

Once the resources are deployed, the function app itself can be deployed via the Azure CLI. Make sure to have it installed and authenticated via az login before proceeding with the following:

npm run deploy -- APP_NAME

Note: Replace APP_NAME with the name of the app used when deploying the Azure resources

Configure Application Settings

To change the application's settings, go to the function app in the Azure dashboard and then click on "Configuration" under "Settings" in the left hand side navbar. Refer to the Configuration section for specific details on each setting. Also make sure to fill in all required settings with their appropriate values before using the application.


Refer to the Setup section for specific details on how to fully setup BG Group Sync. All references to localhost should be replaced with your function app's URL. Keep in mind that by default all HTTP routes are public. In order to restrict access, networking rules can be setup via "Settings" -> "Networking" -> "Access restriction" in the function app. The Azure App Service access restrictions guide offers specifics on how this page can be utilized.


Pull requests are welcome. Any changes are appreciated!


This project is licensed under the MIT License