Closed issues:
- Remove PreferenceSeeder #133
- Remove preferences form #123
- Make environment configurable w/o environment variable #122
- Merge and #118
- Discount doesn't take manual adjustments into account #112
- VCR cassettes not up to date #108
- Shipment Discounts Double Counted in Solidus 2.4 #107
- Incorrect country title #97
- avalara_response[:totalTax] is always nil #96
- All Preferences lost when server restarts #95
- Sandbox documentation warning #94
- Ruby 2.3 syntax #82
- Capybara::Poltergeist::JavascriptError (TypeError: undefined is not a function) #81
- Updating preferences only updates them on the current server #77
- Adjust Locked Transaction Error #75
- Universal Branch #66
- Errors Being Ignored #53
Merged pull requests:
- Update VCR cassettes #140 (aldesantis)
- Bump RSpec to 4.0.0.beta2 for Rails 6 support #139 (aldesantis)
- Require deface 1.5 #138 (DanielePalombo)
- Evaluate specific solidus branches in CI #137 (cedum)
- Remove preferences edit form #136 (cedum)
- Deprecate preference seeder #135 (cedum)
- Remove dotenv dependency #134 (cedum)
- Fix Travis builds #132 (aldesantis)
- Fix typos in some decorators module names #131 (cedum)
- Make environment configurable w/o an ENV variable #130 (cedum)
- Use Module#prepend for decorators #129 (aldesantis)
- Remove stylesheets #128 (aldesantis)
- Discounts bugfixes #125 (aldesantis)
- Fix adjustments not being considered for cache key #124 (aldesantis)
- Fix 'superclass mismatch for Order' #120 (aldesantis)
- Remove setup instruction file since we use the wiki now #119 (acreilly)
- Upgrade Ruby to 2.6.2 #117 (aldesantis)
- Rubocop #116 (aldesantis)
- Add .bundler to .gitignore #115 (aldesantis)
- Take manual adjustments into account when computing discount #114 (aldesantis)
- Fix deprecation warnings #113 (acreilly)
- Vcr update #111 (acreilly)
- Travis specs #110 (acreilly)
- 2.7 #104 (acreilly)
- Return true if shipment promo_total is not zero #103 (acreilly)
- Add new versions of Solidus to travis #98 (acreilly)
v2.1.1 (2018-01-15)
v1.2.1 (2018-01-15)
Closed issues:
- Solidus 2.4 Support #89
Merged pull requests:
- V2.1 v2.2 spec pass updates #93 (acreilly)
- V1.0 v2.0 spec pass updates #92 (acreilly)
- Specify pg gem version #91 (acreilly)
- Update Compatibility Chart #90 (acreilly)
- Refactor address validator #83 (acreilly)
v3.1.0 (2017-08-03)
v2.1.0 (2017-08-03)
v1.2.0 (2017-08-03)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Rest v2 avatax create transaction #74 (acreilly)
- Set up Void action to use new V2 REST API endpoint #73 (acreilly)
v3.0.0 (2017-05-31)
Merged pull requests:
v2.0.0 (2017-05-25)
v1.1.0 (2017-05-25)
Closed issues:
- Preferences #65
- response object is nil in address validation #64
- Support Solidus 2.1 #63
- Multiple Payments #51
- Previous Versions No Longer Available #50
Merged pull requests:
- Rest v2 avatax address #71 (acreilly)
- If a timeout occurs, the address validator will respond with an error… #70 (acreilly)
- V2.1 travis #69 (acreilly)
- Travis 2.0 below #68 (acreilly)
- Utilize Spree::Preferences to hold avatax information. #67 (acreilly)
- Improve errors #62 (acreilly)
- Remove payment amount update #61 (acreilly)
- Remove payment amount update and add spec #60 (acreilly)
- Improve error handling #59 (acreilly)
- Request model #57 (acreilly)
- Response model #56 (acreilly)
- Refactored Logger #55 (acreilly)
v1.0.0 (2017-03-27)
Closed issues:
- Previous Tax Amount when recalculated to 0 #43
- Single Version #35
- AvataxLog doesn't have an error method #33
- Remove prev_tax return if state check #31
- Solidus 2.0 and Rails 5 #29
- Can't edit credentials in Admin without an Address #20
- Javascript not formatted correctly #19
- 1.3 Progress? #14
Merged pull requests:
- Clean vcr #47 (acreilly)
- Spec speed improvements #46 (acreilly)
- Rails test param backport #45 (acreilly)
- Return 0 if avalara total tax is 0 #44 (acreilly)
- Universal specs #42 (acreilly)
- Vcr #41 (acreilly)
- 2.1 #38 (acreilly)
- Added timeouts to all http calls #37 (ericsaupe)
- V1.3 and up #36 (acreilly)
- Error message #34 (ericsaupe)
- Include blank on avalara entity use code select #30 (acreilly)
- V1.2 js refactor #28 (acreilly)
- V1.3 #27 (acreilly)
- Set country fallback if origin country is nil #25 (acreilly)
- Set country fallback if origin country is nil #24 (acreilly)
- V1.3 js refactor #23 (acreilly)
- Remove deface override, create validator button partial, and add it t… #22 (acreilly)
- Remove deface override, create validator button partial, and add it t… #21 (acreilly)
- V1.2 #17 (acreilly)
- V1.3 #16 (acreilly)
- V1.2 #15 (acreilly)
- V1.2 #13 (acreilly)
- V1.2 vat spec #12 (acreilly)
- V1.2 fix enable avatax #11 (acreilly)
- added vat id no #10 (acreilly)
- V1.2 address validator #9 (acreilly)
- fixed user update page #8 (acreilly)
- fixed user update page #7 (acreilly)
- fixed preference updater for env #5 (acreilly)
- V1.2 address validation #3 (acreilly)
- new avatax client version #2 (acreilly)
- V1.2 #1 (acreilly)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator