This is Qi's reimplementation of GLFW for visualization of 3d Datasets, our functions mainly about mimic( :) ).
- mouse/key move/rotate object(vim for rotate, wasd for move), scroll to max/minize
- basic key bindings, e.g. esc->quit
- using texture with stb_image
- use imgui for interaction
- work with cmake
- Updating into OpenGL3 with GLSL.
- Allowing many interaction based on ImGui(for graphics study).
- add light (commonly good for light) settings, summarize those rendering things into imgui.
- Allow more man-graphics interaction (mouse rasting)
- Integral algorithms like meshlab.
- Add more things I know: multy threads, argparser, json file for rendering, ply loader(
- CMake Tests and run time config(and loader)
- More intuitive rotation.(4-dim numbers).
- github workflows (and submodules for cross platform)
- LICENSE(finally)
Mainly learnt from polyscope, libigl, [learnopengl], thanks to all of them! without who I will never be able to play on such an amazing graphics playground.