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Frame Based Pose Recognition

This directory contains all the scripts necessary to train and execute pose recognition based on frame extraction from a live video feed.

Recognition example after training on the Y, M, C, A, and wandering poses

The work presented in this directory is based on dongdv95's hand-gesture-recognition repository, and makes use of the mediapipe pose detection framework.

pose landmark model from Mediapipe:

Installation and Requirements

Requirements to run the scripts in this repository can be found in the requirements.txt file

pip install -r requirements.txt

Training is done in a Jupyter Notebook. To install Jupyter Notebook, run:

pip install notebook

To run the notebook:

jupyter notebook


A complete overview of the workflow can be found here: YMCA_Training_Screen_Record.mp4

  • A) We use the script to generate the image dataset. The image dataset is divided in subfolders, each containing pictures of a person in the specified position. To generate the example above, we trained the 5 following data classes : "Y", "M", "C", "A", "wandering". Each data class contains about 65 pictures.

  • B) We use the script to generate the csv dataset that will be used for training the SVM model. For each image in the dataset we have generated, we obtain skeleton keypoints using mediapipe pose detection. We then associate keypoints coordinates ( $(x,y)\in[0,1]^2$ ) and their visibility factor ( $v\in[0,1]$ ) to the name of the data class.

  • C) We train a support vector classification model using the train.ipynb script. We further use the training script to assess whether the model has been properly trained on the dataset (see the confusion matrix at the end of the file, for instance). Finally, we can export the svm model using the pickle.dump method in a file called model.pkl.

  • D) Once training is done, we can run the main script, This script takes webcam frames as input by default, so we can assess the detection time it takes for the model to recognize poses on live stream, and whether the detection is accurate or not.


Framework for SVM based pose recognition






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