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Lurve Voting

BokkyPooBah edited this page Dec 6, 2017 · 20 revisions

A simple Yes/No voting smart contract. Can be used to display the number of likes and dislikes on your web page.

The main bug-fixed Lurve contract is deployed to Ropsten at 0xdcb39e9f4b8347ec08b56a32c0e44b0751e6d421 in block 1673487.

Question - Do you love the Lurve Voting contract?

View the results at or

You can view the smart contract results at the main Lurve contract at 0xdcb39e9f4b8347ec08b56a32c0e44b0751e6d421.

The Application Binary Interface for the main Lurve contract deployed to Ropsten at 0xdcb39e9f4b8347ec08b56a32c0e44b0751e6d421:


How It Works

The Lurve smart contract will create two addresses.

Users send a transaction to either of the two addresses.

Sending the transaction to the first address will register a vote of No and sending the transaction to the second address will register a vote of Yes.

Each account can only vote once, either a No or Yes.

Any ethers sent with the transaction will be returned back to the user's account. Transactions sending 0 ETH are accepted, and preferred.


  • The yesNo flag is a uint so you can extend it to multiple states instead of just a Yes/No. Otherwise it can be replaced by bool.

Smart Contract

From Lurve.sol:

pragma solidity ^0.4.16;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// See
// Version 0.91
// The MIT Licence 2017
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
contract LurveOption {
    Lurve public lurve;
    uint public yesNo;
    // Constructor - save parameters
    function LurveOption(Lurve _lurve, uint _yesNo) {
        lurve = _lurve;
        yesNo = _yesNo;
    // User sends a 0 or non-0 ETH transaction to the address
    function () payable {
        // Call the factory to register the votes
        lurve.registerLurve(msg.sender, yesNo);
        // Send back any non-0 ETH
        if (msg.value > 0) {

contract Lurve {
    // Contract addresses
    LurveOption public lurveNo;
    LurveOption public lurveYes;
    // Count of No votes
    uint public noCount;
    // Count of Yes votes
    uint public yesCount;
    // Save addresses that have voted
    mapping(address => bool) public seen;
    event LurveIt(address indexed addr, uint yesNo);
    // Constructor - deploy the yes and no contracts
    function Lurve() {
        // Deploy a contract to an address that will register a '0' vote
        lurveNo = new LurveOption(this, 0);
        // Deploy a contract to an address that will register a '1' vote
        lurveYes = new LurveOption(this, 1);
    function registerLurve(address addr, uint yesNo) {
        // Only allow lurveNo and lurveYes to call this function
        require(msg.sender == address(lurveNo) || msg.sender == address(lurveYes));
        // Only allow each address to vote once
        // Register the address that is voting
        seen[addr] = true;
        // Register the vote
        if (yesNo == 0) {
        } else {
        // Log the event
        LurveIt(addr, yesNo);

Script To Extract Data

I created /home/bokky/Lurve/ with the following contents:


geth attach rpc:http://localhost:8545 << EOF | grep "RESULT: " | sed "s/RESULT: //"

var lurveAddress="0xdcb39e9f4b8347ec08b56a32c0e44b0751e6d421";
var lurveAbi=[{"constant":true,"inputs":[],"name":"lurveYes","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"address"}],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[],"name":"yesCount","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"uint256"}],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[{"name":"","type":"address"}],"name":"seen","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"bool"}],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"addr","type":"address"},{"name":"yesNo","type":"uint256"}],"name":"registerLurve","outputs":[],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[],"name":"noCount","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"uint256"}],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[],"name":"lurveNo","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"address"}],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"constructor"},{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":true,"name":"addr","type":"address"},{"indexed":false,"name":"yesNo","type":"uint256"}],"name":"LurveIt","type":"event"}];
var lurveBlockNumber=1673487;

var lurve=web3.eth.contract(lurveAbi).at(lurveAddress);

console.log("RESULT: noCount=" + lurve.noCount());
console.log("RESULT: yesCount=" + lurve.yesCount());

var lurveEvents = lurve.LurveIt({}, { fromBlock: lurveBlockNumber, toBlock: "latest" });
var i = 0; (error, result) {
  console.log("RESULT: LurveIt " + i++ + " #" + result.blockNumber + ": addr=" + result.args.addr + " yesNo=" + result.args.yesNo);


I set the executable permission for this script using the command:

chmod 700 /home/bokky/Lurve/

Sample output:

$ ./ 
LurveIt 0 #1673566: addr=0x0052d07bb447273181412197b1057d9a805edca4 yesNo=0
LurveIt 1 #1674428: addr=0xd9d72d466637e8408bb3b17d3ff6db02e8bebf27 yesNo=1
LurveIt 2 #1675069: addr=0x4aac1b2a1c2fee71a896e4b32b8fb3ab5a37562f yesNo=1

Lurve Web Page Generator

Script To Generate Web Page

I created /home/bokky/Lurve/ with the following contents:



geth attach rpc:http://localhost:8545 << EOF | grep "RESULT: " | sed "s/RESULT: //" > $HTMLFILE

console.log("RESULT: <html>");
console.log("RESULT:   <head>");
console.log("RESULT:     <title>The Lurve Page</title>");
console.log("RESULT:   </head>");
console.log("RESULT:   <body>");
console.log("RESULT:     <h2>The Lurve Page</h2>");
console.log("RESULT:     <p>Send a 0 (or non-0) Ropsten Testnet ETH transaction to <a href=''>0xb3134f8709b8f5763c0c755517fd0403fc2e1367</a
> if you lurve this page</p>");
console.log("RESULT:     <p>Send a 0 (or non-0) Ropsten Testnet ETH transaction to <a href=''>0x26742b34ea5885d1f42757b16b10dd3531df2d41</a
> if you don't lurve this page</p>");
console.log("RESULT:     <br />");
console.log("RESULT:     <h2>Statistics</h2>");

var lurveAddress="0xdcb39e9f4b8347ec08b56a32c0e44b0751e6d421";
var lurveAbi=[{"constant":true,"inputs":[],"name":"lurveYes","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"address"}],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[],"name":"yesCount","outputs"
var lurveBlockNumber=1673487;

var lurve=web3.eth.contract(lurveAbi).at(lurveAddress);
var total=lurve.noCount().add(lurve.yesCount());

console.log("RESULT:       <p>Total votes=" + total + "</p>");
console.log("RESULT:       <p>Yes votes=" + lurve.yesCount() + " (" + lurve.yesCount()/total*100 + "%)</p>");
console.log("RESULT:       <p>No votes=" + lurve.noCount() + " (" + lurve.noCount()/total*100 + "%)</p>");
console.log("RESULT:       <br />");

console.log("RESULT:     <h2>Votes</h2>");
console.log("RESULT:     <p>Statistics collected at <a href=''>0xdcb39e9f4b8347ec08b56a32c0e44b0751e6d421</a></p>");
var lurveEvents = lurve.LurveIt({}, { fromBlock: lurveBlockNumber, toBlock: "latest" });
var i = 0; (error, result) {
  console.log("RESULT:     <p>LurveIt " + i++ + " #" + result.blockNumber + ": addr=" + result.args.addr + " yesNo=" + result.args.yesNo + 
    " hash=<a href='" + result.transactionHash + "'>" + result.transactionHash + "</a></p>");

console.log("RESULT:       <br />");
console.log("RESULT:       <p>Further information at <a href=''></a></p>");
console.log("RESULT:       <br />");
console.log("RESULT:       <p>Page generated " + new Date().toUTCString() + "</p>");
console.log("RESULT:       <br />");
console.log("RESULT:       Enjoy. BokkyPooBah 2017");
console.log("RESULT:   </body>");
console.log("RESULT: </html>");


I set the executable permission for this script using the command:

chmod 700 /home/bokky/Lurve/

I created the HTML directory using the command:

sudo mkdir /var/www/html/lurve

I set the ownership of the HTML directory using the command:

sudo chown bokky:bokky /var/www/html/lurve

The script is scheduled to run every minute by adding the following entry to crontab -e:

# m h  dom mon dow   command
* * * * * /home/bokky/Lurve/

Other Voting Systems

Some existing voting systems to consider: