Releases: bojand/ghz
Update grpc-go to 1.23.0 to get the security update.
335a800 Bump lodash from 4.17.11 to 4.17.15 in /www/website
3e07aa5 Fix format for funding.yml
daf4224 Fix typo conviniently to conveniently
2eb988a Merge branch 'master' of
885de15 Merge branch 'master' of
48899a2 Merge pull request #116 from arinto/fix-typo
30acbd0 Merge pull request #119 from bojand/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/www/website/lodash-4.17.15
a4dbc90 Update FUNDING.yml
8f6d3a2 Update FUNDING.yml
6015f35 Update certs
aac7e60 [skip-ci] Improve Makefile clean
52b2c9c [skip-ci] Update docs to reflect duration changes introduced in 0.40.0 release
9535f74 go mod tidy and update grpc
17e42e4 improve colors
5468438 update statik
Breaking change
The following is a breaking change in CLI:
6215cc8 Change uint duration values to Duration type. Fixes #104.
4b73c55 Add golangci-lint
d807aac Bump lodash.merge from 4.6.1 to 4.6.2 in /www/website
6215cc8 Change uint duration values to Duration type. Fixes #104. Minor Makefile improvement
571e42f Fix linting errors
ccfcd41 Fix linting errors
d4c10ed Merge pull request #110 from bojand/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/www/website/lodash.merge-4.6.2
8d3e42d Merge pull request #113 from bojand/golint
4009959 Merge pull request #114 from bojand/dashboard_improvements
2f1babe Merge pull request #115 from bojand/time_duration
99ff7c9 Revert fill: 'start'
a91345f comment in golangci yaml
741b19e go mod tidy
04c42a7 time duration config change
c436a82 wip on dashboard improvements. make line thickness smaller
f954d4f Add failed requests information to details
3145753 Merge branch 'master' into report-details-fix
b9b7ebb Merge pull request #109 from criteo-forks/report-details-fix
b5753d6 Test which reproduce the problem
6c42470 minor code style improvement to set error string in reporter inside just one error check block
97afd94 Bump safer-eval from 1.3.0 to 1.3.3 in /web/ui
dbb643b Create FUNDING.yml
0da2a5b Merge pull request #108 from fenollp/fix-golint
4c15615 Merge pull request #98 from bojand/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/web/ui/safer-eval-1.3.3
7016280 Reset GOMAXPROCS() using defer
8565161 Update FUNDING.yml
124a1b3 Update FUNDING.yml
b670e37 Update FUNDING.yml
a3b27a6 Update certs
b7422b5 Update web ui dependencies
5003600 [skip-ci] Improve options docs
1886bae [skip-ci] Update docusaurus
b6e7b57 [skip-ci] update screenshots
c1edf63 update and shake deps tree
43a1a8d update certs:
1f5e499 use correct golint import path as per golang/lint@ead987a
ba7c451 Add summary as default format in config. Update certs
de50c21 CR fixes
8d5b7a2 Merge branch 'master' into varied-data
d763723 Merge pull request #87 from criteo-forks/varied-data
9f8246b Updated the docs
d9b49ec added .idea files to gitignore
983cad0 added tests
b2a6a3e binary format "guessing"
83c25fe createPayloads doesn't care about streaming
107b29c fixed some typos in comments
95f479e implemented count-delimited binary format
37b92ab made functional tests stable
c925322 made golint happy
430f5a6 messages caching
b70d4f1 regenerated expired test keys
4faac03 worker selects message in round-robin
Notable Change
Add support for multiple connections #85
Addresses #50.
Adds a new flag --connections
to specify the number of connections to use. This parameter cannot exceed concurrency option. The specified number of connections will be distributed evenly to be shared among the concurrency goroutine workers. So for example a concurrency of 10
and using 5
connections will result in 10
goroutine workers, each pair of 2
workers sharing 1
of the 5
connections. Each worker will get its share of the total number of requests specified using -n
b85a2e0 Add connections to reporter
1d85a9f Add multiple connection tests
832ca2c Merge branch 'master' into multiple_connections
715a312 Merge pull request #84 from bojand/templates-1
d3c4a31 Merge pull request #85 from bojand/multiple_connections
41bd769 Update issue templates
bf74322 add multiple connections options. work in progress
f045d2d start work on potential support for multiple connections