LaTeX Templates and drafts of misc papers for IEEE
See also:
- LaTeX templates instructions
- Template source -
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To become a co-author, please contribute for the following topics:
- Clarify why geo-replicated causal consistent data stores match the fog computing environments.
- Bring a concrete NF application example to motivate key challenges and articulate why geo-replicated causal consistent data stores are the solution that should also become a unified Replication-as-a-Service solution.
- Aside of data stores, elaborate on: resource management (Day 1 and Day 2 operations), high availability, extensibility, and robustness.
- Bring another example of a distributed app (using micro-services) to fit those uncovered areas. It should also illustrate the orthogonal to data stores approach, wihch is relying on causality among API-to-API communications being propagated through an example replication topology).
- Make it human readable :-)
Thank you all who has provided such valuable feedback via blind reviews!
Debian OS family:
# apt install texlive-science texlive-latex-base gv
# pdflatex foo.tex
# docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/home danteev/texlive:TL2017 \
texliveonfly -c latexmk -a "-pdf -f -synctex=0" foo.tex
Beware, it gets quite a fat image of a 6G, it may be faster for you to build it locally by hand:
# git clone
# cd docker-texlive
# docker build .
Use gv -watch foo.pdf
# docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/home bogdando/texlive latexmk -ps foo.tex
Then convert the resulting PS file to a PDF with an online converter, like this one. Note, not an each converter works well for EDAS system...