This is a simple Nagios/Icinga websocket check which can be called from whatever place you like.
Make sure to have the following installed:
- Node JS
- ws module
- debug module
- when module
Simply clone this repository to your preferred installation directory. You need to install the modules in the plugin directory. You can use the following script:
cd /usr/local/src
git clone
cd nagios-websocket-plugin
apt-get install nodejs
npm install ws
npm install debug
npm install when
The commandline syntax of the check is as follows:
node check_websocket.js host port url [v]
The last v enables verbose mode for debugging output and can be omitted. A typical call would be:
nodejs check_websocket.js localhost 8080 monitor
Make sure to fill in the host correctly!
The WAMP script calls the test
topic, and expects the JSON array {result: 200}
for a green response.