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Justin Hileman edited this page Aug 15, 2015 · 3 revisions

The {{% ANCHORED-DOT }} pragma enables anchoring tags to the top of the context stack. Just like {{ . }} resolves to the top of the context, {{ .name }} resolves to a property or method called name on the value at the top of the context stack.

If your rendering context looks like this:

  'title' => 'Mustache links',
  'links' => [
    ['href' => ''],
    ['href' => '', 'title' => 'The Mustache spec'],
    ['href' => '', 'title' => 'Mustache.php'],

… and you wanted to render the list of links, you'd use a template like this:

<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
  {{# links }}
      <a href="{{ href }}">{{ title }}{{^ title }}{{ href }}{{/ title }}</a>
  {{/ links }}

But this wouldn't do what you'd expect. Rendering {{ href }} as a fallback for a missing title would never work, because Mustache would look up the context stack until it found a suitable title property to use. So our example would render as:

<h1>Mustache links</h1>
    <a href="">Mustache links</a>
    <a href="">The Mustache spec</a>
    <a href="">Mustache.php</a>

Without the {{% ANCHORED-DOT }} pragma, each link in the data we pass to our template has to have an empty title value to prevent a context stack lookup.

This template, however, renders exactly as you'd expect:

<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
  {{# links }}
      <a href="{{ href }}">{{ .title }}{{^ .title }}{{ href }}{{/ .title }}</a>
  {{/ links }}

And the output:

<h1>Mustache links</h1>
    <a href=""></a>
    <a href="">The Mustache spec</a>
    <a href="">Mustache.php</a>
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