The role of this curated list is to gather scientific articles that use deep learning approaches applied to music. The list is currently under construction but feel free to contribute to the missing fields and to add other resources. The resources provided here come from my review of the state-of-the-art for my PhD Thesis for which an article is being written.
- DL4M summary
- DL4M details
- Code without articles
- Statistics and visualisations
- How To Contribute
- Abbreviations used
- Sources
- Contributors
- Other useful related lists
- dl4m.bib - the corresponding bibliography.
- dl4m.tsv - more details about each article:
- First author name
- Publication year
- Article name
- PDF link
- Source code link
- Source code reproducible (Yes/No) If Yes, indicates to what extent
- Neural network architecture
- Number of layers
- Task
- Dataset
- Computation time
- Hardware
- Data augmentation technique if used
- Additional notes
- Adding/Updating information
- Fork the repo.
- Add one line per article in dl4m.tsv with every column correctly filled.
- Submit your pull request and that's it! (Note: the table in the ReadMe is automatically generated thanks to a python script.)
- Visualisation
- Please submit your idea for new visualisation of the data
- I am looking for a way to display relations between articles automatically like a mindmap. Tell me if you know anything able to handle that.
Why a tsv file instead of a regular csv file for storing the detailed information about the articles?
- Some articles have a comma in their title and the .bib of each article contains commas.
- GitHub currently only displays csv and tsv files. The built-in GitHub csv/tsv parser is handy because you can easily search in the file in your browser without downloading anything.
How are the articles sorted?
In dl4m.tsv, the articles are first sorted by decreasing year (to keep up with the latest news) and then alphabetically by author's family name.
Why are preprint from arXiv included in the list?
I want to have exhaustive research and the latest news on DL4M. However, one should take care of the information provided in the articles currently in review. If possible you should wait for the final accepted and peer-reviewed version before citing an arXiv paper. I regularly update the arXiv links to the corresponding published papers when available.
Abbreviation | Full name |
ADT | Automatic Drum Transcription |
BRNN | Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network |
CNN | Convolutional Neural Network |
DNN | Deep Neural Network |
LSTM | Long Short Term Memory |
MER | Music Emotion Recognition |
RNN | Recurrent Neural Network |
SVD | Singing Voice Detection |
SVS | Singing Voice Separation |
VAD | Voice Activity Detection |
VPNN | Vector Product Neural Network |
- Awesome Python Scientific Audio - Python resources for Audio and Machine Learning
- Cheatsheets AI - Cheat Sheets for Keras, neural networks, scikit-learn,...
- Awesome Deep Learning - General deep learning resources
- ISMIR resources - Community maintained list
- Awesome Python - Audio section of Python resources
- Awesome Web Audio - WebAudio packages and resources
- Awesome Music - Music softwares
- Awesome Music Production - Music creation
- General lists
- The Asimov Institute - 6 deep learning tools for music generation