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Building the XMUtil XMILE utilities on OS X

Download and install Qt 5.11.0

You can find this verion here:

On OS X install in $HOME\Qt5.11.0 (default install directory) On Windows install in C:/Qt/x64/Qt5.11.0 (on Windows you will have to put the Qt DLLs into the build directory to make the UI open)

Build third_party

Open Terminal

cd third_party

Generate Xcode Project

Open Terminal

cd ..
./ --use-xcode --with-ui
open XMUtil.xcodeproj

Build the project

Run the Xcode project. It will produce a naked executable xmutil (no app bundle). To find where it is located, look in Xcode > Preferences > Locations. Click the arrow to the right of the pathname under Derived Data. This will show the folder in the Finder.

To run the xmutil command line app:

{/path/to/xmutil}/xmutil {mdl-file}

To make this command more convenient, add an alias to your ~/.bash_profile.

alias xmutil='{/path/to/xmutil}/xmutil'

Building the XMUtil XMILE utilities on Windows

These instructions were developed on Windows 10.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 is required for the C++ compiler. These instructions use Visual Studio Community 2017.

Use the "VS2017 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt" for all commands. XMUtil is built as 64-bit software.

Install MSYS

Download MSYS In MinGW Installation Manager make sure you've installed: msys-base msys-bash msys-core msys-coreutils

Install dependencies

ICU - International Components for Unicode

Download ICU4Cversion 59.1 binaries for Win64.

Copy the \include folder contents (\unicode) into \third_party\include Copy the \lib64 folder contents into \third_party\win\lib Copy the \dll files from /bin into \third_party\win\lib\dlls

Win flex-bison - Flex (the fast lexical analyser) and Bison (GNU parser generator)

Download and extract Win flex-bison.

TinyXML - XML Parser

Download and extract TinyXML-2.

Compile TinyXML-2:

MSBuild.exe tinyxml2/tinyxml2.sln /t:tinyxml2:rebuild /property:Configuration=Release-Lib

Move lib into third_party/win/lib tinyxml2/bin/tinyxml2/x64-Release-Lib/tinyxml2.lib /third_party/win/lib

Move header to include director tinyxml2.h to /third_party/include

  • OR -

From environment.bat run


Build XMUtil

Once you have the /third_party directory setup you are ready to generate the Visual Studio project and build

To generate the Visual Studio project run



In the msys terminal run

./configure.bash --use-msvs --with-ui

Open the XMUtil.vcxproj project in Visual Studio. The project settings will be upgraded if necessary.

Choose Build Solution from the Build menu. The build result is XMUtil.exe in the Debug directory.

Convert a Vensim model to XMILE

Switch to the directory where your .mdl file is located. Run XMUtil on the .mdl file to generate an .xmile file in the same directory. Press any key after the converter runs to end the process.

{/path/to/xmutil/debug}/XMUtil.exe {mdl-file}


utilities to support XMILE in various forms







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Contributors 4
