These are powershell scripts deploy to the citrix controllers for managing DocuTAP user sessions
Located in ssm\windows-ctxcnt-man\util
- Production
- hsctxwcnt001
- hsctxwcnt002
- Staging
- hsctxwcnt500
- hsctxwnct501
All scripts will be deployed to C:\docutap\util\citrix
These scripts will log to standard out and C:\docutap\logs\citrixman
- Parameters
- -siteId - the siteID to enable
- -enabled - true if the apps should be enabled, false if they should not be
- -maxApps - the maximum number of applications to toggle. Default of 10
- Return
- Returns $true if it was successful
- Exits with a non-zero exit code and logs a message if it fails
- Parameters
- -siteId - the siteID to turn off user sessions
- -gracePeriod - the amount of time in seconds to message users before forcing logoff
- -maxUsersThreshold - maximum number of users to force logoff. If there are more sessions than this number, the script will exit with a non-zero return code
- Return
- Returns $true if it was successful
- Exits with a non-zero exit code and logs a message if it fails
- Parameters
- -siteId - the siteID to turn off user sessions
- -maxApps - the maximum number of applications to update working directory, default of 10
- Return
- Returns $true if it was successful
- Exits with a non-zero exit code and logs a message if it fails
These are powershell functions for general windows management. These should support being run on any windows server in the docutap environment
Located in ssm\windows-general-man\util and ssm\windows-general-man\dsc
- Installs chocolatey
- Tests for chocolatey in C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\choco.exe
- CommonFunctions.psm1
- A logging function for docutap powershell scripts
- Prints logs in json format to
(this can be changed by callingset-logdir <new_log_dir>
) - Parameters
the human readable log message to output-level
the severity of the log message being printed- INFO
the log message category, gives a way to group log message together- app
- cosmos
- windows
- citrix
the specific config item being changed- hostname
- app
- version
- Tests the most recently applied DSC config. We need this because we apply multiple MOF files, and each one overwrites the most recent results
- Logs the name of the most recent DSC, the result, and the number of configurations applied
- A Function to invoke SQL queries, typically against the data mart
- Returns the data set retrieved as a powershell object
- Parameters
the server name to query, e.g. "bipfwcsql001.docutap.local"-database
the database name to query, e.g. "SFDataMart"-sqlCommand
the sql query to run. This is required-user
the sql server username, e.g. "SSM_RO"-plaintextpwd
the plain text password. This is converted to a secure string