This is an example of keeping a Firebase Database in-sync with an Algolia index using Google Cloud Functions
How to use:
- Install firebase cli (requires npm and node.js, more instructions here:
$ npm install -g firebase-tools
- Install node packages
$ npm install
- add your algolia credentials to your firebase function. This will save the credentials as environment variables that can be used in the function
$ firebase functions:config:set algolia.app_id="APPID" algolia.api_key="API_KEY"
edit index.js with the Algolia index name you would like to publish to and also the url in firebase you would like to monitor (line 7 and 9)
Deploy the firebase functions
$ firebase deploy --only functions
In some cases you might already have existing data in firebase that you would like to sync to algolia or would like to re-sync your database. In this case I provided a backfill.js file that will transfer all the current data to algolia.
How to use:
- Open backfill.js
- Fill in the following values:
- path/to/service/account.json (these are your credntials to your firebase database. You can generate a private key by going to Project Settings -> Service Accounts -> Firebase Admin SDK) on the firebase webpage
- run the script by doing
$ node backfill.js