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@owen-reorg owen-reorg released this 27 May 11:21
· 3124 commits to develop since this release

This is the mainnet hardfork release version.

Four hard forks are scheduled to launch on the opBNB Mainnet:
Shanghai/Canyon Time: 2024-06-20 08:00:00 AM UTC
Delta Time: 2024-06-20 08:10:00 AM UTC
Cancun/Ecotone Time: 2024-06-20 08:20:00 AM UTC
Haber Time: 2024-06-20 08:30:00 AM UTC

All mainnet op-node have to be upgraded to this version before 2024-06-20 08:00:00 AM UTC.
The op-geth also have to be upgraded to v0.4.2 accordingly, check this for more details.

User Facing Changes

If you are upgrading from v0.3.x to this version, please note that there are some configuration changes.

  • Removed --l1.rpckind=bsc_fullnode
  • Removed --l2.engine-sync
  • Removed --l2.skip-sync-start-check
  • To start engine-sync, use --syncmode=execution-layer (default value is consensus-layer)
  • Added --l1.max-concurrency=20 to control the rate of requests to L1 endpoints.

After the Cancun/Ecotone hard fork, DA data will be submitted to the BSC network in blob format. Regular BSC nodes only retain blob data from the past 18 days. If you are syncing data from the genesis block or are more than 18 days behind the latest block, you will need to ensure that your configured L1 endpoint supports persisting blob data for a longer period of time. We will ensure that the snapshot provided by this snapshot repository is within the 18-day range, so you can also choose to use the snapshot to avoid relying on older blob data to start your new node.

What's Changed

  • feature: update deployment script for opBNB by @redhdx in #196
  • fix: fix CI after 4844 merge by @welkin22 in #198
  • op-node: set finalityDelay to 15 to speed up finality update by @bnoieh in #200
  • config: Mainnet canyon/delta/ecotone fork time by @welkin22 in #203

Docker Images


Full Changelog: v0.4.1...v0.4.2