M5Stick Launcher Release 1.2.0
M5Stick Launcher
Application Launcher for Cardputer, M5StickC, M5StickC Plus, and M5StickC Plus 2.
Ir is mandatory that you have an SDCard Hat to use with this Launcher and i have instructions Here, Cardputer users naturaly don´t need this Hat!
You can learn more about how it works o M5Launcher Wiki.
Where/How do I find Binaries to launch -> Obtaining binaries to launch
How to Install
- Use M5Burner, or
- Download the .bin file from Releases for your device.
- Use https://web.esphome.io/ or esptool.py and flash the file:
into your device.
How to Use
- Turn your Device on
- Press M5 (Enter) in the Launcher Start Screen to start Launcher
- Choose your .bin file and press M5 (Enter)
- After installed, when turn on the device, if you don't press anything, the installed program will be launched.
Install from source
Install the following libs:
Open ~Launcher/Launcher.ino
Choose your device, uncommenting the line
Build Launcher project in Arduino IDE, and "Export Compiled Binary"
Copy the binary generated in
the the folder~support_files/
(there are some binaries inside there) -
use esptool to flash in your device
- M5StickC and M5StickC Plus
- Run in "~support_files" folder:
esptool -p COMx -b 460800 --before default_reset --after hard_reset --chip esp32 write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 40m --flash_size detect 0x1000 bootloader_4Mb.bin 0x8000 partition-table_4Mb.bin 0x10000 Launcher.ino.bin
- Run in "~support_files" folder:
- M5StickC Plus 2
- Run in "~support_files" folder:
esptool -p COMx -b 460800 --before default_reset --after hard_reset --chip esp32 write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size detect 0x1000 bootloader_8Mb.bin 0x8000 partition-table_8Mb.bin 0x10000 Launcher.ino.bin
- Run in "~support_files" folder:
- Cardputer
- Run in "~support_files" folder:
esptool -p COMx -b 460800 --before default_reset --after hard_reset --chip esp32s3 write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size detect 0x0 bootloader_CP.bin 0x8000 partition-table_8Mb.bin 0x10000 Launcher.ino.bin
- Run in "~support_files" folder:
- M5StickC and M5StickC Plus
- Excluded ota_data.bin file as it is not needed
- Excluded StartApp application
- Excluded OTA_1 partitions form .csv files because i found out it is not needed
- Realocated free spaces into "SPIFFS" partition, giving room to improvements, and support to applications that use it (OrcaOne)
- Added Bootscreen with battery monitor
- Added Restart option and battery monitor to launcher
- Added auto orientation to M5StickCs
- Laucher does not create .bak files anymore!!
- .bin file handling to avoid some errors: File is too big, file is not valid, etc etc..
- Fixed menu files that ware occasionally hiding files and folders.
- Adjusted Magic numbers to work with some apps (Volos Watch).
- Changed OTA_0 Partition size from 3Mb to 6Mb on Cardputer and M5StickCPlus2
- Added verification to identify MicroPython binaries and don't corrupt them with the cropping process (these apps still don't work, need more work...)
- Fixed issues that prevented M5Launcher to launch apps on Cardputer
- Fixed blackscreen and keyboard capture on Cardputer.