Using pyTwitchAPI and gTTS to transcript Twitch Chat Messages.
Download this repository.
Install Python in your Computer.
Open the current folder in terminal and create a virtual enviroment.
python -m venv .virtualenv
And Source the virtualenviroment
Windows : .\.virtualenv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
Linux : source ./.virtualenv/bin/acitvate
And install the requirement for the application to run
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you want to change the talking speed.
Download ffmpeg and put into current directory.
Go to Twitch Developer Panel
Click on Register a new application
You can name the Application whatever you want.
But the redirect URLs Must set to
To make the Twitch authenticator working.
After Register the Application Paste the Client ID and Client Secret into conifg.json
"APP_ID": "Client ID here",
"APP_SECRET": "Client Secret Here",
Now Execucte the command python
should be starting the bot.
You will seeing the Bot is asking permission to read the chat.
Click on Authrize! and the bot should be greeting you for using the Bot!
"TARGET_CHANNEL": "blusewill",
"Language": "zh-TW",
"Speed": "1.2"
"Ignored_user": ["Nightbot", "Moobot", "StreamElements", "Streamlabs", "Fossabot"],
"TTS_Username": "true"
The Channel you're going to join to read the Chat
The language you're going to use for TTS
Check the gTTS Documentation for the language you can currently use
The TTS Talking Speed.
Note : Require ffmpeg to work
The user that is going to be ignored in TTS function.
Whether read out the Username or not. Option: true
or false