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This is all the code that runs on BLUEsat UNSW's Off-World Robotic Numbat Rover embedded module computers

It contains a few key components:

  • Module-specific codebases - these define the behaviour of different numbat modules. This is found in the src/modules directory.
  • eChronos - an open-source Real Time Operating System that provides cool stuff like task scheduling & prioritisation. (See An echronos distribution is found in the build-tools/echronos directory.
  • The TI software framework - A bunch of driver libraries that make developing on our hardware easier, abstracting away lots of painful operations. This can be found in the src/libs/ti directory.
  • BLUEsat's ROS Echronos Library - The defines the embedded implementation of our ros over can protocol. It can be found in the src/libs/ros_echronos folder.

To grab the source:

git clone
cd numbat-embedded

Getting up & running

First, make sure you have the arm-none-eabi GNU toolchain and arm-none-eabi-gdb for building and debugging the RTOS for ARM. These can be found in ubuntu/debian/arch package repositories.

On ubuntu you can install this by running sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi gdb-arm-none-eabi. You will also need ros's catkin build system installed. The recomended way to get this is by setting up a normal ros install and using the version provided by, however catkin also exists as a seperate package in the ubuntu package repository.

If you decide to use a different ARM toolchain, you may have to modify the build-tools/compiler_makedefs.cmake file to suit your system.

In the root folder, run:


to build all modules.

If you are having problems, check your prerequisites are being met.

If everything goes well, you will end up with a bunch of .elf files in the elfs directory in the repository root folder. These are ready to flash to the hardware!

Running modules on real hardware

To flash your elf files and test your code, you'll need OpenOCD. This is an open-source debugging interface tool that allows you to use GDB to flash images and debug your code.

You have 2 options here. You can install OpenOCD from your distributions package manager (sudo apt-get install openocd), or install OpenOCD from source. See ( for the second option

Once you have OpenOCD installed - connect the EK-TM4C123GXL board to your computer via the USB connector labelled 'debug' - Make sure the 'PWR SELECT' switch is set to 'DEBUG' and the jumpers are in their default places.

Open a connection to the board (& loads it in the background):

sudo openocd -f board/ek-tm4c123gxl.cfg &

If everything goes well, you shouldn't see any error messages.

If you get stuck, there are plenty of tutorials on the internet for getting OpenOCD up and running.

Note: there is a PART flag in build-tools/build_env.cmake that sets the part number. This needs to be changed for the dev kits or the generic pcb. If you are running on the generic PCB it should be set to TM4C123GH6PGE and if you are running on the dev kit it should be set to TM4C123GH6PM.

Flashing & Debugging

Once you have started OpenOCD, it's time to flash and debug your image! This repository includes a script that does this all for you, Take a look at it to see what it's doing if you're curious.

To try the blinky example, (making sure you have built everything!):

./ elfs/blinky.elf

GDB should fire up, connect to your OpenOCD server, flash the image, reset and then break on your main function. To see cool stuff happen, press c to continue execution.

Hopefully, you get some blinky lights!

Note that you can also use any of the conventional GDB commands - stepping, watching, breakpoints etc. Plenty of resources on the internet for this.

Use CTRL-C and CTRL-D to exit GDB.

Serial terminal & printf

Any use of the UARTPrintf instructions in your codebase will spit out strings on a serial device. You can observe these by firing up a serial terminal, usually the device is called ttyACMX where X is some number. I enjoy picocom, but your choice of serial terminal is up to you. gtkterm is also good. Make sure you set your baud rates and settings to 115200-8-n-1. E.g for picocom:

picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyACM0

If you have issues, make sure your user has been added to the dialout group or equivalent - or just run picocom as sudo.

To test this, you can try the blinky example - you should see something like:

Starting RTOS...
Entered blinky task
Initialized GPIOS

eChronos configuration

Each numbat module contains a .prx file, which is an eChronos configuration file. The .prx file is used for declaring OS primitives, like tasks, mutexes, semaphores, interrupts, etc. When a numbat module is built, a customized version of eChronos is constructed from this file. For information as to how to use this file, see the 'Configuration Reference' section of the eChronos manual docs/echronos/*

Adding new modules

Adding new numbat modules involves creating a new folder in the src/modules directory with at least one .cpp and .prx file, as well as a CMakeLists.txt file and a package.xml file. The latter two are required by the ros build system.

If you copy the module_template folder to a src/modules folder rename it to your module name, and fill in the TODOs in CMakeLists.txt and package.xml that is the easiest way to create a new module.

Help & Documentation

The following manuals are kept in this repository in case of upstream changes. We do not claim ownership over any of the contents of these manuals.:

  • eChronos manual: docs/echronos/*. Note that this is for the kochab (feature set) armv7m (platform) echronos variant only, which is what we are using.

  • TI library user guide: docs/ti/*. API documentation for the various TI libraries available to numbat modules.

  • Note: TI example code: This can be found on TI's website inside their software package (TivaWare for EK-TM4C123GXL). Useful for figuring out how to use some peripherals. It is not distributed here for copyright reasons but mostly because it is huge.


The ros_echronos library shall be documented using doxygen.

You can install doxygen on Ubuntu using the following command

sudo apt-get install doxygen

If you have the doxygen cmake package it will automatically generate docs

C++ Limitations

Our usage of the arm-none-eabi toolchain has the following limitations:

Functions in class decelerations

Functions and constructors cannot have their bodies declared inside a class definition as you will experience linker problems

Does Not Work:

class A {
    A() {} // this will not link


class A {
A() {}

This is a bug in the version of gcc we are using

Not Defining a Constructor

If you don't define a constructor for a class (i.e use the default constructor) and then inherit from it the linker will complain. The workaround is to define an empty constructor.

Other Problems with discarded sections in the linker

If you get an error message like this:

`_ZN12ros_echronos9PublisherIN12owr_messages4pwm_EEC1EPcPS2_hb' referenced in section `.text' of build/ros_test.opp: defined in discarded section `.text._ZN12ros_echronos9PublisherIN12owr_messages4pwm_EEC2EPcPS2_hb[_ZN12ros_echronos9PublisherIN12owr_messages4pwm_EEC5EPcPS2_hb]' of build/ros_test.opp

Go to [] and paste in the line to work out what function is the problem.

Then add __attribute__((used)) to the end of the function prototype.

Other Problems is a good reference if you are getting weird linker errors on this code


The following libraries are used and have there own licenses