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This is a Hapi plugin to load your sequelize models. Your models should be defined so that they can be imported by sequelize. The plugin itself will not require Sequelize, instead you have to pass it in as an option.


register the plugin

import HapiSequelizeModels from 'hapi-sequelize-models';
import Sequelize from 'sequelize';

const mysqlConfig = {
  username: process.env.MYSQL_USER,
  password: process.env.MYSQL_PASSWORD,
  options: {
    host: process.env.MYSQL_HOST,
    dialect: 'mysql',

return server
    plugin: HapiSequelizeModels,
    options: {
      connections: [
          database: 'test',
          models: [
              name: 'test',
              model: require('../models/test'),
              name: 'test2',
              model: require('../models/test2'),
          database: 'test2',
          models: [
              name: 'xxx',
              model: require('../models/xxx'),
  .then(() => {
    console.log('plugin registered');
  .catch(err => {
    console.error('registering plugin failed:', err);

usage in a handler function

const handler = {
  handleRequest(request, reply) {
    const { models } = request.server.plugins['hapi-sequelize-models'];

    return models.test.findAll().then(reply);

plugin api

  • Sequelize - sequelize npm module (require('sequelize'))
  • [connections = []] - optional list of connection definitions
    • database - database name or database uri
    • [username] - optional database user name
    • [password] - optional database user password
    • [options = {}] - optional sequelize options
      • [host] - optional database host
      • [dialect] - optional database dialect
      • [logging = (...msg) => server.log(['trace'], ...mgs)] - optional logging function
    • [models] - list of objects with the following properties:
      • name - name of the model
      • model - the model definition to load with sequelize

model definition

Models should be defined so that they can be imported using sequelize.import. For convenience a .connection() function is attached to each model, to access its underlying sequelize connection.

Also models will be available using server.plugins['hapi-sequelize-models'].models.<name> where <name> is the name of the model specified in the config.

const handler = (request, h) => {
  const { models } = request.server.plugins['hapi-sequelize-models'];

  const sequelize = models.test.connection();
  const data = await sequelize.query('SELECT * FROM *');
  // ...


After all models are loaded, the plugin iterates through all of them to check if an associate function was defined. If so it calls it with all models. The assoication must then happen within that function.

export default const defineUser = (sequelize, DataTypes) =>
      id: DataTypes.INTEGER,
      classMethods: {
        associate(models) {


  • it's not possible to define multiple connections with the same host + port + schema + database setup
  • it's not possible to define different models with the same name


  • npm
npm prune && npm install
npm test