This project is not maintained anymore
If you like it or continue to use it fork it please.
A debugging tool for Pico CMS. It can help plugin & theme developers to see Pico variables.
Copy zz_pico_debug.php in plugins folder
Enable the plugin - edit config.php and add the line:
$config['zz_pico_debug.enabled'] = TRUE;
(optionally) To enable PHP show errors add to config.php:
$config['zz_pico_debug']['php_errors'] = TRUE;
Open your Pico site, you should see a box on the bottom showing debugging informations.
It also enable Twig debug option, so in a template you can use: {{ dump( var_name ) }}
- Why 'zz_' in the beginning of the filename? It's necessary to let Pico load the plugin in the end
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