Catenis is an integration layer to the Bitcoin blockchain that allows for rapid blockchain-based application development.
Catenis is developed using Meteor, a JavaScript/Node.js framework for rapid web/mobile application development.
The IDE used for development is WebStorm from JetBrains.
The WebStorm project is set up in a way that the meteor application is contained in the /meteor_app
Follow the steps bellow to increase the size of the oplog collection of Mongo DB database used in the meteor development environment.
Start the Catenis meteor application.
Issue the following command from the
meteor mongo
- Then, from the mongo shell, issue the following commands:
use local
db.adminCommand({replSetResizeOplog: 1, size: 990})
Note: this only needs to be done once, after the application environment database is reset.
To build the application, execute the following command from the /meteor_app
meteor npm run build
A tar ball containing the packaged meteor application is written to the /build
Alternatively, the application can be built for the development environment. To do this, execute the following command
also from the /meteor_app
meteor npm run build_dev
In this case, the tar ball containing the packaged meteor application is written to the /build/dev
After building the application, execute the following command from the /build
scp ../build/Catenis-<ver>.tar.gz ctn-sandbox-1:~/Catenis_build/
Note: replace
with the proper version number.
This software is released under the MIT License. Feel free to fork, and modify!
Copyright © 2017-2023, Blockchain of Things Inc.