Declare your love for all time on the blockchain.
npm install proof-of-love
Here's an example of how Proof of Love is presented Blockai:
In our examples we're going to use the bitcoinjs-lib
and the helloblock-js
test faucet to get and process our private key, public address and unspent outputs.
var Bitcoin = require("bitcoinjs-lib");
var helloblock = require("helloblock-js")({
network: 'testnet'
helloblock.faucet.get(1, function(err, res, body) {
var privateKeyWIF = body.privateKeyWIF;
var address = body.address;
var unspentOutputs = body.unspents;
// ...
We'll need to provide a few of your own functions.
Signing a transaction:
var signFromPrivateKeyWIF = function(privateKeyWIF) {
return function(tx, callback) {
var key = Bitcoin.ECKey.fromWIF(privateKeyWIF);
tx.sign(0, key);
callback(false, tx);
var signTransaction = signFromPrivateKeyWIF(privateKeyWIF);
Propagating a transaction:
var propagateTransaction = function(tx, callback) {
helloblock.transactions.propagate(tx, function(err, res, body) {
callback(err, res);
Looking up and parsing a transaction:
var getTransaction = function(txHash, callback) {
helloblock.transactions.get(txHash, function(err, res, tx) {
callback(err, tx);
And finally we're ready to prove our love.
from: "one",
to: "another",
address: address,
unspentOutputs: unspentOutputs,
propagateTransaction: propagateTransaction,
signTransaction: signTransaction
}, function(error, proofOfLove) {
console.log(proofOfLove.from, "♥",;
Parse a Bitcoin transaction for Proof of Love metadata.
var txHash = "2756d3fec97c76227171c88d568b7e524b45f129e642e6c9b5b8dcff50e4a091";
getTransaction(txHash, function(err, tx) {
love.scan(tx, function(err, proofOfLove) {
console.log(proofOfLove.from, "♥",;
You can then see your Proof of Love on Blockai.