Thermostat Knob for Habpanel (OpenHAB) Allows adjusting setpoint temperature while viewing current room temperature and heating state.
The thermo-knob connects to 3 openhab items:
- temperature setpoint, which is adjustable
- Current temperature, displayed only
- Current heating state (0/1), displayed only
- Optional "Read-only" mode
- 2021-10-31 added "read-only" option
- 2021-04-04 fixed double command issue #1
The widget can be configured in habpanel:
- An optional label can be added to the widget.
- The temperature scale is configurable (min, max, step).
- The color of the setpoint temperature can be changed.
Other parameters must be configured manually in file control-OH.js
- The heating color is from the scale settings color and colorH
- The font sizes, width, height, and other parameters are also available in the options definition.
- For reference, see the knob widget ( ng-knob )
(sorry for the mixture of languages)
A standalone demo is provided in thermoKnob/index.html
This widget relies on static files, which must be installed manually. Simply copy the directory thermoKnob into the static html area of openhab.
For openraspbian with OH3, just do
cp -r thermoKnob /etc/openhab/html/
for OH2, use:
cp -r thermoKnob /etc/openhab2/html/
If you install the file elsewhere, make sure you adjust the widget thermo-knob.widget.json file accordingly.