My codeFoo9 submission
Hi I am Devon Mires. My video submission and information about me is on my website for you to view. I chose to create a webpage for my submission because the requirements said this section could be done in whatever format you feel most comfortable with, and doing a video as well as text seemed like a good fit for me. Doing a webpage allowed for this and I thought was a fun way to do the project.
The answer to the second requirement can be found in portfolio/CodeFoo9/problem2/. The JS file has the math for the problem in code while the html displays my thought process.
The answer to the third requirement can be found in portfolio/CodeFoo9/problem3/. I used JS to solve the problem and the index.html file displays the result. My rational is explained in JS file as comments.
For the fourth section I chose to do the front end option because that is what I am most familiar with. This can be found in portfolio/CodeFoo9/FrontEnd