#Tech Stack PHP JS BootStrap Apache Google Map API QRCode MYSQL Paypal Payment Integration
Blinds need assistance in their day to day life activities.
A blind student need some one who teaches his academics subjects and write exams on his behalf.
An unemployed blind need some one who can help him earn living
An old aged blind need some one who can take him to hospital, temple, places.
Every time the “SOMEONE “ can not be a family member / friend
Web/Mobile/Tablet supported platform
A Blind person can raise help request for teaching, reading escorting etc. through Moderators.
A Volunteer can search, filter & accept a request raised by a visually challenged person.
Reaching the mass for help using digital marketing.
Social Media Management Dashboard
#Value Add
An Ecosystem to connect people in need and volunteers
Raising cross boarder funds using PayPal’s power
QR based map integration for route guidance
Easier way for volunteers to give back to society
Increasing social awareness on blindness
Increasing literacy
Awareness among people
Accessibility support for visually impaired
Promoting eye donation
#How To Run the application
Make sure Apache / My SQl is up and running. Run the SQL storde inside the github code for creating the schema. Copy the ful folder inside htdocs. access the appliaction