API wrapper for Mixpanel
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding mexpanel
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:mexpanel, "~> 0.1.0"}
Mixpanel provides 2 endpoints: track and engage.
For both these endpoints, this library provides a struct with builder functions. The new
function expects all mandatory parameters, additional properties can be set with functions
alias Mexpanel.TrackRequest
track = TrackRequest.new("123", "user signed up", %{name: "Leif Gensert"})
|> TrackRequest.time(DateTime.utc_now())
|> TrackRequest.ip("")
|> TrackRequest.distinct_id("user:1")
For the engage endpoint you will need to specify an operation. See the official documentation for all available operations.
alias Mexpanel.EngageRequest
engage = EngageRequest.new("123", "user:1")
|> EngageRequest.time(DateTime.utc_now())
|> EngageRequest.ip("")
|> EngageRequest.set(%{name: "Leif Gensert"})