Scripts written in Adobe Extended Javascript (JSX) for Adobe Photoshop. Find out more about scripting in photoshop here:
Where to install scripts?
- On windows copy the files to: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 20XX\Presets\Scripts
- On macOs: Applications > Photoshop CC > Presets > Scripts
How to create shortcuts for the scripts?
Create an action where you start the script (File > Scripts > Browse ... Locate and start the file)
- Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts
- Under "Application Menu Command" open "File"
- Search for "Scripts", you should find the name of the script, then click on "add schortcut" button on the right
USAGE INFO: These scripts need a little setup before you can use 'em:
Unique Name Generator & Batch Export
Setup: Create a group, name it export and add all the layers you want to export inside it. Action: The script will rename all those layers with a unique sequential name and export them inside a folder with the same name of the psd, in the same directory of that file.
Crop to Doc
Setup: create a group, name it crop and add all the layers you want to crop inside it. Action: The script will create a layer mask for all those layers with the document size, then they will be converted to smart objects to apply the layer mask.