This repository contains implementation of the proposed algorithms HetoFedBandit and HetoFedBandit-Enhanced, and baseline algorithms for comparison:
- DisLinUCB
- N-IndependentLinUCB
- DyClu
For experiments on the synthetic dataset, directly run:
python --T 2500 --n 30 --m 5
To experiment with different environment settings, specify parameters:
- T: number of iterations to run
- n: number of users
- m: number of clusters
- sigma: standard deviation of Gaussian noise in observed reward
Detailed description of how the simulation environment works can be found in Section 4 of the paper.
Experiment results for the simulated environment can be found in the "./Results/SimulationResults/" folder, which contains:
- "[namelabel]_[startTime].png": plot of accumulated regret over iteration for each algorithm
- "[namelabel]_AccRegret_[startTime].csv": regret at each iteration for each algorithm
- "[namelabel]_ParameterEstimation_[startTime].csv": l2 norm between estimated and ground-truth parameter at each iteration for each algorithm
- "Config_[startTime].json": stores hyper parameters of all algorithms for this experiment
For experiments on the already pre-processed LastFM dataset, directly run:
python --dataset LastFM
If you want to preprocess the dataset from LastFM yourself, with different random shuffling of the events, you can utilize Dataset/ to re-process the dataset using the procedure described in Section 4.3 of the paper. The original dasetet can be downloaded at LastFM-2011 Dataset.