Bladecoder Adventure Engine v4.2.0
Below you can download a .zip package with the Adventure Editor. In the bin folder there are scripts to run the editor in Windows, Linux and Mac. Java JDK 17 is now recommended to run the Editor.
Several test projects can be downloaded from here.
Test projects can be used to learn about the Blade Engine features. For example, the venus project is a complete (short) game.
- EDITOR: Latest Inklecate and build JDK can be downloaded from the editor.
- EDITOR: Disable Particle Editor button. It doesn't support LWJGL3.
- LWJGL3 backend for desktop. That means support for JDK 17 and ARM architectures.
- TextRenderer now supports maxWidth.
- Smooth animation to center camera after finishing walking.
- Show text in screen at least for 0.5secs before skipping it.
- Delete 3D support.
- Now we can use ':' in Ink to indicate the actor talking. '>' is still supported.
- Updated Blade Ink to v1.1.2.
- Minimum supported iOS version to 11.0.
- Bump spine runtimes to v4.1.0.
- Updated libgdx to v1.12.0.
- Updated packr version.
- A lot of bugs fixed (see git log).