Problem application given by
Problem Description
You are in your house wearing pajamas. You must be appropriately dressed for the temperature before leaving your house.
Your challenge is to programmatically process a list of commands for getting ready, enforce related rules, and display appropriate output.
Temperature Type (one of the following)
Comma separated list of numeric commands
command description HOT Response COLD Response
1 Put on footwear “sandals” “boots”
2 Put on headwear “sun visor” “hat”
3 Put on Socks failed “socks”
4 Put on shirt “t-shirt” “shirt”
5 Put on jacket fail “jacket”
6 Put on pants “shorts” “pants”
7 Leave house “leaving house” “leaving house”
8 Take off pajamas “Removing PJs” "Removing PJs”
Input: HOT 8, 6, 4, 2, 1, 7 Output: Removing PJs, shorts, t-shirt, sun visor, sandals, leaving house
Input: COLD 8, 6, 3, 4, 2, 5, 1, 7 Output: Removing PJs, pants, socks, shirt, hat, jacket, boots, leaving house
Input: HOT 8, 6, 6 Output: Removing PJs, shorts, fail
Input: HOT 8, 6, 3 Output: Removing PJs, shorts, fail
Input: COLD 8, 6, 3, 4, 2, 5, 7 Output: Removing PJs, pants, socks, shirt, hat, jacket, fail
Input: COLD 6 Output: fail
Rules: Initial state is in your house with your pajamas on Pajamas must be taken off before anything else can be put on Only 1 piece of each type of clothing may be put on You cannot put on socks when it is hot You cannot put on a jacket when it is hot Socks must be put on before shoes Pants must be put on before shoes The shirt must be put on before the headwear or jacket You cannot leave the house until all items of clothing are on (except socks and a jacket when it’s hot) If an invalid command is issued, respond with “fail” and stop processing commands