Ben Turner
Predicting Housing Prices in Ames, Iowa
This project will be evaluating 79 different variables that are provided in a Kaggle competition dataset. The variables describe almost every different of aspect of a house. The data includes obvious variables like square footage, number of bedrooms, and number of bathrooms, to much more less known variables, such as basement square footage, to what shape the lot of the house is on, to whether or not the house has alley access.
The dependent variable in this project will be the Sale Price. In this project we are going to try to determine how to predict housing prices based on home variables.
The EDA will begin by trying to understand how the dependent variables and independent variables relate to each other and the cause for that relationship. Our EDA will also involve some data cleaning, how to handle the missing data, and how to deal with the categorical variables.
The data for this project is split up between a test and a train data set. When running the first initial EDA, we find that we have A LOT of missing data. So we will not be able to run a reliable predictive model until we will those values in. Overall there are 34 different variables missing data or NA’s, and a grand total of 13,965 NA or missing values in total.
For the variables, I either input the median value or whatever the majority value was. For example, the highest variables with missing values was the pool area. Since the majority of houses came back with a “None” value, I will use that and replace all missing values for Pool QC with None.
For numerical variables, such as Year Built, referring to what year the house was built in, we look to see if it has a normal or skewed distribution. For normal distributions, it is best to use mean for our model. If the variable has a skewed distribution, then it is best is we use the median value. For this variable, based on the histogram this looks like a skewed distribution as most of the houses are built 1960 or so and later, and a large proportion of them built after 1990’s, so we will use the median for this value of 1979.
Looking at the data
Id MSSubClass MSZoning LotFrontage
Min. : 1.0 20 :1079 Length:2919 Min. : 21.00
1st Qu.: 730.5 60 : 575 Class :character 1st Qu.: 60.00
Median :1460.0 50 : 287 Mode :character Median : 68.00
Mean :1460.0 120 : 182 Mean : 69.09
3rd Qu.:2189.5 30 : 139 3rd Qu.: 78.00
Max. :2919.0 70 : 128 Max. :313.00
(Other): 529
LotArea Street Alley LotShape
Min. : 1300 Length:2919 Length:2919 Length:2919
1st Qu.: 7478 Class :character Class :character Class :character
Median : 9453 Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character
Mean : 10168
3rd Qu.: 11570
Max. :215245
LandContour Utilities LotConfig LandSlope
Length:2919 Length:2919 Length:2919 Length:2919
Class :character Class :character Class :character Class :character
Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character
Neighborhood Condition1 Condition2 BldgType
Length:2919 Length:2919 Length:2919 Length:2919
Class :character Class :character Class :character Class :character
Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character
HouseStyle OverallQual OverallCond YearBuilt
Length:2919 Min. : 1.000 Min. :1.000 Min. :1872
Class :character 1st Qu.: 5.000 1st Qu.:5.000 1st Qu.:1954
Mode :character Median : 6.000 Median :5.000 Median :1973
Mean : 6.089 Mean :5.565 Mean :1971
3rd Qu.: 7.000 3rd Qu.:6.000 3rd Qu.:2001
Max. :10.000 Max. :9.000 Max. :2010
YearRemodAdd RoofStyle RoofMatl Exterior1st
Min. :1950 Length:2919 Length:2919 Length:2919
1st Qu.:1965 Class :character Class :character Class :character
Median :1993 Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character
Mean :1984
3rd Qu.:2004
Max. :2010
Exterior2nd MasVnrType MasVnrArea ExterQual
Length:2919 Length:2919 Min. : 0.0 Length:2919
Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.: 0.0 Class :character
Mode :character Mode :character Median : 0.0 Mode :character
Mean : 101.4
3rd Qu.: 163.5
Max. :1600.0
ExterCond Foundation BsmtQual BsmtCond
Length:2919 Length:2919 Length:2919 Length:2919
Class :character Class :character Class :character Class :character
Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character
BsmtExposure BsmtFinType1 BsmtFinSF1 BsmtFinType2
Length:2919 Length:2919 Min. : 0.0 Length:2919
Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.: 0.0 Class :character
Mode :character Mode :character Median : 368.0 Mode :character
Mean : 441.3
3rd Qu.: 733.0
Max. :5644.0
BsmtFinSF2 BsmtUnfSF TotalBsmtSF Heating
Min. : 0.00 Length:2919 Length:2919 Length:2919
1st Qu.: 0.00 Class :character Class :character Class :character
Median : 0.00 Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character
Mean : 49.57
3rd Qu.: 0.00
Max. :1526.00
HeatingQC CentralAir Electrical 1stFlrSF
Length:2919 Length:2919 Length:2919 Min. : 334
Class :character Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.: 876
Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Median :1082
Mean :1160
3rd Qu.:1388
Max. :5095
2ndFlrSF LowQualFinSF GrLivArea BsmtFullBath
Min. : 0.0 Min. : 0.000 Min. : 334 Min. :0.0000
1st Qu.: 0.0 1st Qu.: 0.000 1st Qu.:1126 1st Qu.:0.0000
Median : 0.0 Median : 0.000 Median :1444 Median :0.0000
Mean : 336.5 Mean : 4.694 Mean :1501 Mean :0.4296
3rd Qu.: 704.0 3rd Qu.: 0.000 3rd Qu.:1744 3rd Qu.:1.0000
Max. :2065.0 Max. :1064.000 Max. :5642 Max. :3.0000
BsmtHalfBath FullBath HalfBath BedroomAbvGr
Min. :0.00000 Min. :0.000 Min. :0.0000 Min. :0.00
1st Qu.:0.00000 1st Qu.:1.000 1st Qu.:0.0000 1st Qu.:2.00
Median :0.00000 Median :2.000 Median :0.0000 Median :3.00
Mean :0.06132 Mean :1.568 Mean :0.3803 Mean :2.86
3rd Qu.:0.00000 3rd Qu.:2.000 3rd Qu.:1.0000 3rd Qu.:3.00
Max. :2.00000 Max. :4.000 Max. :2.0000 Max. :8.00
KitchenAbvGr KitchenQual TotRmsAbvGrd Functional
Min. :0.000 Length:2919 Min. : 2.000 Length:2919
1st Qu.:1.000 Class :character 1st Qu.: 5.000 Class :character
Median :1.000 Mode :character Median : 6.000 Mode :character
Mean :1.045 Mean : 6.452
3rd Qu.:1.000 3rd Qu.: 7.000
Max. :3.000 Max. :15.000
Fireplaces FireplaceQu GarageType GarageYrBlt
Min. :0.0000 Length:2919 Length:2919 Min. :1895
1st Qu.:0.0000 Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.:1962
Median :1.0000 Mode :character Mode :character Median :1979
Mean :0.5971 Mean :1978
3rd Qu.:1.0000 3rd Qu.:2001
Max. :4.0000 Max. :2207
GarageFinish GarageCars GarageArea GarageQual
Length:2919 Min. :0.000 Min. : 0.0 Length:2919
Class :character 1st Qu.:1.000 1st Qu.: 320.0 Class :character
Mode :character Median :2.000 Median : 480.0 Mode :character
Mean :1.767 Mean : 472.9
3rd Qu.:2.000 3rd Qu.: 576.0
Max. :5.000 Max. :1488.0
GarageCond PavedDrive WoodDeckSF OpenPorchSF
Length:2919 Length:2919 Min. : 0.00 Min. : 0.00
Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.: 0.00 1st Qu.: 0.00
Mode :character Mode :character Median : 0.00 Median : 26.00
Mean : 93.71 Mean : 47.49
3rd Qu.: 168.00 3rd Qu.: 70.00
Max. :1424.00 Max. :742.00
EnclosedPorch 3SsnPorch ScreenPorch PoolArea
Min. : 0.0 Min. : 0.000 Min. : 0.00 Min. : 0.000
1st Qu.: 0.0 1st Qu.: 0.000 1st Qu.: 0.00 1st Qu.: 0.000
Median : 0.0 Median : 0.000 Median : 0.00 Median : 0.000
Mean : 23.1 Mean : 2.602 Mean : 16.06 Mean : 2.252
3rd Qu.: 0.0 3rd Qu.: 0.000 3rd Qu.: 0.00 3rd Qu.: 0.000
Max. :1012.0 Max. :508.000 Max. :576.00 Max. :800.000
PoolQC Fence MiscFeature MiscVal
Length:2919 Length:2919 Length:2919 Min. : 0.00
Class :character Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.: 0.00
Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Median : 0.00
Mean : 50.83
3rd Qu.: 0.00
Max. :17000.00
MoSold YrSold SaleType SaleCondition SalePrice
6 :503 2006:619 Length:2919 Length:2919 Min. : 0
7 :446 2007:692 Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.: 0
5 :394 2008:622 Mode :character Mode :character Median : 34900
4 :279 2009:647 Mean : 90492
8 :233 2010:339 3rd Qu.:163000
3 :232 Max. :755000
Price Vs. Overall Condition (1-10 scale, 10 being best condition)
Price Vs. Overall Quality (1-10 scale, 10 being highest quality)
Looking at Sale Price V. Year Built V. Overall Quality
This plot show a the relationship between the SalePrice, YearBuilt and OverallQuality. It seems that houses from recent years have better grade of quality.
Looking at the data we have a ton of values that are missing data. I've decided to input the missing values into missing data points based on what would most make sense for my model. For instance, the variable for Lot Frontage has missing values. When I run a summary for this data, I get the following:
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
21.00 60.00 68.00 69.09 78.00 313.00
In this case, it is probably best to use the median, I've decided to use the median of 69.09 to use for all missing values for this partiuclar variable since it is normally distributed
In another case, I've used just the most frequent feature. For example, the varibale of MSZoing, which refers to how a house is zoned (residential, commerical, etc). As we can see from the table, the vast majority of data is zoned as 'RL', so we will use this to input for the missing values.
C (all) FV RH RL RM
25 139 26 2269 460
Now that we have our data cleaned up, let's start putting the data into some models. THe first model I will use is a very simple linear model using only month and year sold, square footage, number of bedrooms and lot size. I wanted to input some data values that I assumed wouldn't be a strong indicator, but would still yield some basic results that we can compare against later.
#Linear Graphs
Residuals vs. Fitted Plots
*This plot shows error Residuals vs fitted values. *The dotted line at y=0 indicates our fit line. *Any point on fit line obviously has zero residual. Points above have positive residuals and points below have negative residuals. *The red line is the the smoothed high order polynomial curve to give us an idea of pattern of residual movement. In our case we can see that our residuals have curved pattern. This could mean that we may get a better model is we try a model with a quadratic term included. We will explore this point further by actually trying this to see if it helps
Normal Q-Q Plot
*The Normal Q-Q plot is used to check if our residuals follow Normal distribution or not. *The residuals are normally distributed if the points follow the dotted line closely *My graph indicates that most points are within the normal distribution, so my model appears to pass the test of normality
Scale – Location Plot
*Scale location plot indicates spread of points across predicted values range. *One of the assumptions for Regression is Homoscedasticity meaning variance should be reasonably equal across the predictor range. *As residuals spread wider from each other the red spread line goes up. In my graph, it appears that around the 100,000 mark, it looks like the residuals are getting closer to each other therefore causing the red spread line to go down A horizontal red line is ideal and would indicate that residuals have uniform variance across the range.
Residuals vs Leverage Plot
*This plot took was a little harder to grasp when I first looked into what it’s telling us. *Influence : The Influence of an observation can be thought of in terms of how much the predicted scores would change if the observation is excluded. Cook’s Distance is a pretty good measure of influence of an observation. *Leverage : The leverage of an observation is based on how much the observation’s value on the predictor variable differs from the mean of the predictor variable. The more the leverage of an observation , the greater potential that point has in terms of influence. *What we are concerned with here is that if any points land outside the two dotted lines, meaning those points has very high leverage or potential for influencing our model. So typically if I did have points in that range, I would most likely want to exclude those points. My model have all points within the desired range
#This is a very basic linear model using only lot's square footage, bedrooms, and month
linearModel <- lm(SalePrice ~ YrSold + MoSold + LotArea + BedroomAbvGr, data=train)
linearPreds <- data.frame(Id = test$Id, SalePrice= predict(linearModel, test))
data.frame': 1459 obs. of 2 variables:
$ Id : int 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 ...
$ SalePrice: num 169277 187758 183584 179317 150730 ...
> linearModel <- lm(SalePrice ~ YrSold + MoSold + LotArea + BedroomAbvGr, data=df)
> linearPreds <- data.frame(Id = df$Id, SalePrice= predict(linearModel, df))
> str(linearPreds)
'data.frame': 2919 obs. of 2 variables:
$ Id : int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
$ SalePrice: num 173686 180162 186931 177646 209445 ...
> head(linearPreds)
Id SalePrice
1 1 173686.1
2 2 180161.7
3 3 186930.9
4 4 177646.3
5 5 209445.2
6 6 166224.7
> summary(linearModel)
lm(formula = SalePrice ~ YrSold + MoSold + LotArea + BedroomAbvGr,
data = df)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-258793 -48846 -17832 30415 542493
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1917554.0845 3037799.2464 0.631 0.528
YrSold -897.6770 1512.5335 -0.593 0.553
MoSold 1104.8926 743.2912 1.486 0.137
LotArea 1.9680 0.2005 9.817 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
BedroomAbvGr 13275.8801 2456.2101 5.405 0.0000000756 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 75870 on 1455 degrees of freedom
(1459 observations deleted due to missingness)
Multiple R-squared: 0.09035, Adjusted R-squared: 0.08785
F-statistic: 36.13 on 4 and 1455 DF, p-value: < 0.00000000000000022
The result I focused on here was R-Squared. R – squared is a statistical measure of how close the data are to the fitted regression line. Typically, the higher the R-squared, the better the model fits your data.
The adjusted R-squared value for this simple linear regression is 0.08785 which of course shows that this is close to random, which means our model is not very good. Let’s put all the variables with our cleaned up data set, to where we input values for all the missing values and see what happens:
The 2nd time I ran the linear model was with all the data and I was able to get a better R-squared result:
lm(formula = SalePrice ~ ., data = clean)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-118577 -6221 0 5912 118577
Coefficients: (236 not defined because of singularities)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1164216785.4293 538384358.0602 2.162 0.0309 *
V1 -82.8075 2.0041 -41.319 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
MSSubClass 0.1044 198.8921 0.001 0.9996
MSZoningFV -10617.3665 31325.3579 -0.339 0.7348
MSZoningRH -24678.6745 27181.6366 -0.908 0.3642
MSZoningRL -14723.3311 22104.7801 -0.666 0.5056
MSZoningRM -25838.4083 20187.7555 -1.280 0.2010
LotFrontage -51.4765 133.3043 -0.386 0.6995
LotArea 0.6451 0.5885 1.096 0.2733
StreetPave 7385.5740 25515.8856 0.289 0.7723
AlleyNone 7706.9297 8805.1317 0.875 0.3817
AlleyPave 2650.6978 15719.8815 0.169 0.8661
LotShapeIR2 17873.8286 11532.2747 1.550 0.1216
LotShapeIR3 53072.7219 30457.5635 1.743 0.0819 .
LotShapeReg 1287.5956 4464.7641 0.288 0.7731
LandContourHLS -7983.9429 14102.6656 -0.566 0.5715
LandContourLow 11892.3204 17301.7462 0.687 0.4921
LandContourLvl 2961.2140 9213.5524 0.321 0.7480
UtilitiesAllPub -17272.8471 45867.3678 -0.377 0.7066
UtilitiesNoSeWa -33556838.5227 15807623.5116 -2.123 0.0341 *
LotConfigCulDSac 4985.4118 9581.7688 0.520 0.6030
LotConfigFR2 -7761.1473 11881.8112 -0.653 0.5138
LotConfigFR3 -49349.5668 32451.3853 -1.521 0.1288
LotConfigInside -6772.5410 4623.4876 -1.465 0.1434
LandSlopeMod -4382.8643 10926.7009 -0.401 0.6885
LandSlopeSev -17179.1659 41874.7000 -0.410 0.6817
NeighborhoodBlueste -68034.4315 78225.5593 -0.870 0.3847
NeighborhoodBrDale -41660.5064 58669.4354 -0.710 0.4779
NeighborhoodBrkSide -35685.8981 54757.7243 -0.652 0.5148
NeighborhoodClearCr -92390.0710 56862.6723 -1.625 0.1047
NeighborhoodCollgCr -47614.8060 52447.0766 -0.908 0.3643
NeighborhoodCrawfor -31944.8667 55698.7957 -0.574 0.5665
NeighborhoodEdwards -39612.9742 54036.5637 -0.733 0.4638
NeighborhoodGilbert -55993.3896 52707.0328 -1.062 0.2884
NeighborhoodIDOTRR -41346.1235 54805.8424 -0.754 0.4509
NeighborhoodMeadowV -33875.6942 60538.2197 -0.560 0.5759
NeighborhoodMitchel -37272.3556 53921.9454 -0.691 0.4896
NeighborhoodNAmes -60078.9334 53859.0037 -1.115 0.2650
NeighborhoodNoRidge -17924.0873 55669.4850 -0.322 0.7476
NeighborhoodNPkVill 3025.2816 83086.1408 0.036 0.9710
NeighborhoodNridgHt -65725.7277 52373.4609 -1.255 0.2099
NeighborhoodNWAmes -50152.3138 54121.5372 -0.927 0.3544
NeighborhoodOldTown -44097.4300 54968.1215 -0.802 0.4227
NeighborhoodSawyer -47668.1502 54156.7509 -0.880 0.3791
NeighborhoodSawyerW -47173.7293 53013.5279 -0.890 0.3739
NeighborhoodSomerst -30111.3266 55682.5285 -0.541 0.5888
NeighborhoodStoneBr 7461.8993 56334.9390 0.132 0.8947
NeighborhoodSWISU -28153.6418 55339.8306 -0.509 0.6111
NeighborhoodTimber -53311.1227 54023.9606 -0.987 0.3241
NeighborhoodVeenker -87102.8633 60158.1530 -1.448 0.1481
Condition1Feedr 16059.1340 11547.2432 1.391 0.1647
Condition1Norm 8166.5046 9191.2330 0.889 0.3746
Condition1PosA -7680.2092 23972.7793 -0.320 0.7488
Condition1PosN 5293.9235 18557.8575 0.285 0.7755
Condition1RRAe 24565.3938 18475.5459 1.330 0.1841
Condition1RRAn -1167.1212 15462.0458 -0.075 0.9399
Condition1RRNe -10578.6499 37679.4257 -0.281 0.7790
Condition1RRNn -26758.5261 31274.8125 -0.856 0.3925
Condition2Feedr -21418.5901 41158.2757 -0.520 0.6030
Condition2Norm 3433.4548 34686.9257 0.099 0.9212
Condition2PosA 29900.3269 63573.3496 0.470 0.6383
Condition2PosN -429562.2318 101878.5944 -4.216 0.000028 ***
Condition2RRAe 67462576.7580 31949879.7265 2.112 0.0351 *
Condition2RRAn 19643.7897 76008.2728 0.258 0.7961
Condition2RRNn -69656.6182 59073.7832 -1.179 0.2387
BldgType2fmCon -12472.9611 29066.0957 -0.429 0.6680
BldgTypeDuplex 3198.9819 17377.7548 0.184 0.8540
BldgTypeTwnhs -27989.2109 25243.0317 -1.109 0.2679
BldgTypeTwnhsE -11947.1529 23071.8841 -0.518 0.6047
HouseStyle1.5Unf -33141.8881 18927.7058 -1.751 0.0804 .
HouseStyle1Story 601.1175 10627.5369 0.057 0.9549
HouseStyle2.5Fin 45702.5201 39620.4296 1.154 0.2491
HouseStyle2.5Unf -19410.9237 19932.0178 -0.974 0.3305
HouseStyle2Story -2402.9209 8768.9081 -0.274 0.7841
HouseStyleSFoyer -19636.9166 15217.8696 -1.290 0.1973
HouseStyleSLvl 13724.3974 14668.6724 0.936 0.3498
OverallQual 4319.6679 2614.8978 1.652 0.0990 .
OverallCond 3807.6912 2036.8390 1.869 0.0620 .
YearBuilt 3.4009 184.5513 0.018 0.9853
YearRemodAdd 55.6391 132.1857 0.421 0.6739
RoofStyleGable 25773.1549 67619.1264 0.381 0.7032
RoofStyleGambrel 30665.8630 70639.7838 0.434 0.6643
RoofStyleHip 37237.7926 68097.4638 0.547 0.5847
RoofStyleMansard 25460.6468 74785.3188 0.340 0.7336
RoofStyleShed 28551.5134 95391.3254 0.299 0.7648
RoofMatlCompShg -952946134.0674 450416818.4687 -2.116 0.0347 *
RoofMatlMembran -880796389.4894 416347915.5020 -2.116 0.0347 *
RoofMatlMetal -952810600.7390 450413213.9633 -2.115 0.0347 *
RoofMatlRoll -1084999040.0417 512804721.5731 -2.116 0.0347 *
RoofMatlTar&Grv -952902253.4954 450415713.4401 -2.116 0.0347 *
RoofMatlWdShake -953031615.8603 450417209.6204 -2.116 0.0347 *
RoofMatlWdShngl -952871640.9807 450415244.9863 -2.116 0.0347 *
Exterior1stAsphShn 62530.6896 105696.2889 0.592 0.5543
Exterior1stBrkComm 41829.6565 55043.9109 0.760 0.4475
Exterior1stBrkFace 4383.4808 30754.1907 0.143 0.8867
Exterior1stCBlock 91827.3304 53935.3508 1.703 0.0891 .
Exterior1stCemntBd 21226.4337 70225.4884 0.302 0.7625
Exterior1stHdBoard -15899.0680 29049.2028 -0.547 0.5843
Exterior1stImStucc 116646665.3149 55127753.6071 2.116 0.0347 *
Exterior1stMetalSd 11548.1228 32725.4667 0.353 0.7243
Exterior1stPlywood -8368.3916 28341.4899 -0.295 0.7679
Exterior1stStone 105750223.7299 49927039.2877 2.118 0.0345 *
Exterior1stStucco -13527.1818 31252.4665 -0.433 0.6653
Exterior1stVinylSd 14522.3085 33039.5903 0.440 0.6604
Exterior1stWd Sdng -4926.3874 28411.0329 -0.173 0.8624
Exterior1stWdShing 12917.3695 29701.1279 0.435 0.6638
Exterior2ndAsphShn -65724.0508 98733.1885 -0.666 0.5058
Exterior2ndBrk Cmn -107084.8991 64266.9862 -1.666 0.0961 .
Exterior2ndBrkFace 9574.0650 36492.0495 0.262 0.7931
Exterior2ndCBlock -45210.3186 57755.7594 -0.783 0.4340
Exterior2ndCmentBd -55304.1212 71463.1418 -0.774 0.4393
Exterior2ndHdBoard 10945.0082 30981.0321 0.353 0.7240
Exterior2ndImStucc -10597.8574 41157.4529 -0.257 0.7969
Exterior2ndMetalSd -9946.1829 34895.7041 -0.285 0.7757
Exterior2ndOther 152139124.4370 71867969.6824 2.117 0.0346 *
Exterior2ndPlywood 11378.8219 29469.6228 0.386 0.6995
Exterior2ndStone 57381.5648 43181.9814 1.329 0.1843
Exterior2ndStucco 19032.7176 33635.9358 0.566 0.5717
Exterior2ndVinylSd -23619.2951 34826.6562 -0.678 0.4979
Exterior2ndWd Sdng 2413.2181 30041.6112 0.080 0.9360
Exterior2ndWd Shng -8282.8355 30584.8946 -0.271 0.7866
MasVnrTypeBrkFace 4799.8273 18744.6208 0.256 0.7980
MasVnrTypeNone 10460.2382 18690.1870 0.560 0.5759
MasVnrTypeStone 16497.4966 20438.7556 0.807 0.4198
MasVnrArea 2.7837 18.6911 0.149 0.8816
ExterQualFa -3327.0696 27254.2708 -0.122 0.9029
ExterQualGd -3923.8495 20784.3755 -0.189 0.8503
ExterQualTA 2218.5994 21701.5458 0.102 0.9186
ExterCondFa 31014.2939 25738.7549 1.205 0.2286
ExterCondGd 34972.3985 23369.0616 1.497 0.1350
ExterCondPo -7107.1452 52127.2663 -0.136 0.8916
ExterCondTA 36396.6554 23114.5323 1.575 0.1158
FoundationCBlock 11188.9564 7516.3038 1.489 0.1370
FoundationPConc -4975.7737 7875.7679 -0.632 0.5277
FoundationSlab 25575.4342 15046.6133 1.700 0.0896 .
FoundationStone -51135.2053 32093.6629 -1.593 0.1115
FoundationWood -15205.2422 35717.7354 -0.426 0.6705
BsmtQualFa -15402.1230 16095.4592 -0.957 0.3389
BsmtQualGd -2986.0714 12308.4538 -0.243 0.8084
BsmtQualTA -14926.9416 13797.4930 -1.082 0.2797
BsmtCondGd -7894.1414 13171.1495 -0.599 0.5491
BsmtCondPo -15855.4030 40506.5602 -0.391 0.6956
BsmtCondTA 2435.7646 9763.6902 0.249 0.8031
BsmtExposureGd -15164.9942 9474.4605 -1.601 0.1099
BsmtExposureMn -9820.2935 8432.3737 -1.165 0.2446
BsmtExposureNo -5354.2403 6648.7661 -0.805 0.4209
BsmtFinType1BLQ 2113.5043 7792.3843 0.271 0.7863
BsmtFinType1GLQ 6420.9048 7275.5580 0.883 0.3778
BsmtFinType1LwQ 322.9165 9917.4537 0.033 0.9740
BsmtFinType1None -186293892.5764 87975096.9926 -2.118 0.0346 *
BsmtFinType1Rec -6791.5853 7430.9157 -0.914 0.3610
BsmtFinType1Unf 18444.3294 11478.1338 1.607 0.1085
BsmtFinSF1 -186492.0768 88116.6583 -2.116 0.0347 *
BsmtFinType2BLQ -11458.4811 16590.7542 -0.691 0.4900
BsmtFinType2GLQ -24463.1703 21296.2276 -1.149 0.2511
BsmtFinType2LwQ 9552.6182 16238.3565 0.588 0.5565
BsmtFinType2Rec 1020.9162 16499.2350 0.062 0.9507
BsmtFinType2Unf -424.3592 17366.6962 -0.024 0.9805
BsmtFinSF2 -186478.6163 88116.5714 -2.116 0.0347 *
BsmtUnfSF100 -18663768.1730 8811726.8560 -2.118 0.0345 *
BsmtUnfSF1005 -187408337.3779 88556040.2841 -2.116 0.0347 *
BsmtUnfSF1007 -186296951.0595 87975956.3637 -2.118 0.0346 *
BsmtUnfSF1008 -188016661.3513 88821368.8741 -2.117 0.0346 *
BsmtUnfSF1010 -188448777.6843 88998928.5763 -2.117 0.0346 *
BsmtUnfSF1012 -188736257.3180 89173456.5911 -2.117 0.0347 *
BsmtUnfSF1013 -189082853.7897 89263980.5765 -2.118 0.0345 *
BsmtUnfSF1017 -189548303.7368 89615372.8304 -2.115 0.0348 *
BsmtUnfSF1018 -189902056.3487 89703056.3257 -2.117 0.0346 *
BsmtUnfSF102 -19037358.4322 8988638.0599 -2.118 0.0345 *
BsmtUnfSF1020 -217715960.8248 102866332.5324 -2.116 0.0347 *
BsmtUnfSF1022 -190675363.1085 90052308.4518 -2.117 0.0346 *
BsmtUnfSF1026 -191258983.9583 90407435.4003 -2.116 0.0347 *
BsmtUnfSF1028 -191981566.4502 90585295.2863 -2.119 0.0344 *
BsmtUnfSF103 -19168251.9942 9075537.8515 -2.112 0.0350 *
BsmtUnfSF1030 -186199192.9715 87973146.2279 -2.117 0.0346 *
BsmtUnfSF1032 -192384501.2641 90935721.9938 -2.116 0.0347 *
BsmtUnfSF1035 -16167728.9039 7611963.6659 -2.124 0.0340 *
BsmtUnfSF104 -19417722.6190 9165473.9617 -2.119 0.0345 *
BsmtUnfSF1040 -193995683.7465 91641284.9552 -2.117 0.0346 *
BsmtUnfSF1041 -194106175.5555 91728968.2323 -2.116 0.0347 *
BsmtUnfSF1042 -194394079.7524 91818741.5868 -2.117 0.0346 *
BsmtUnfSF1043 -258527845.9919 122079653.8324 -2.118 0.0345 *
BsmtUnfSF1045 12484957.4430 5868473.9496 2.127 0.0337 *
BsmtUnfSF1046 -195033247.0370 92172298.3435 -2.116 0.0347 *
BsmtUnfSF1048 -195608151.8548 92345480.0335 -2.118 0.0345 *
BsmtUnfSF105 -19441645.9678 9251691.9467 -2.101 0.0360 *
BsmtUnfSF1050 -195872223.8409 92521870.0670 -2.117 0.0346 *
BsmtUnfSF1052 -196280426.5007 92697925.8616 -2.117 0.0346 *
BsmtUnfSF1053 -196464832.0286 92787919.7502 -2.117 0.0346 *
BsmtUnfSF1054 -196541852.5350 92874267.6700 -2.116 0.0347 *
BsmtUnfSF1055 -256714682.5495 121282235.1483 -2.117 0.0346 *
BsmtUnfSF1057 -197188332.5895 93139400.6456 -2.117 0.0346 *
BsmtUnfSF1058 -197328504.4629 93229115.1321 -2.117 0.0346 *
BsmtUnfSF106 -19796658.8315 9341853.2875 -2.119 0.0344 *
BsmtUnfSF1063 -261770208.0044 123659247.1006 -2.117 0.0346 *
BsmtUnfSF1064 -198425672.6499 93755825.3823 -2.116 0.0347 *
BsmtUnfSF1065 -198717122.4848 93844045.4308 -2.118 0.0346 *
BsmtUnfSF1066 -186357155.1981 87974819.3517 -2.118 0.0345 *
BsmtUnfSF1068 -199119032.1902 94109829.4447 -2.116 0.0347 *
[ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 2247 rows ]
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 43390 on 708 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.9597, Adjusted R-squared: 0.834
F-statistic: 7.635 on 2210 and 708 DF, p-value: < 0.00000000000000022
model <- rpart(SalePrice ~.,data = clean, method = "anova")
predict1 <- predict(model, clean)
postResample(predict1, clean$SalePrice)
Show in New WindowClear OutputExpand/Collapse Output
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0 0 134939 90492 134939 577382
1 2 3 4 5 6
195586.9 195586.9 195586.9 134938.7 195586.9 134938.7
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0 0 134939 90492 134939 577382
RMSE Rsquared MAE
27861.88349 0.93153 14620.09323
##RANDOM FOREST One thing that I did have trouble with was converting the data from a categorical value to a numerical. When trying to run my random forest model, I kept getting errors that stated that my data could not be read.
I then had to use the following functions to get it work correctly. This took me awhile to figure out, but then through the help of the professor and used this code to process it.
#First we have to make it so the the columns in R don't start with numbers, so I'll change
names(clean) <- make.names(names(clean))
#Then we have to change the # of categorial bc RF cannot hanlde over 53
clean <- clean %>% mutate_if(is.character,as.factor)
So I was able to have what I think was a little bit more success in my 2nd try with the random forest. I had a couple factors in my dataset that had over 53 levels, so I changed those values from factors with over 53 levels to integers and ran the model.
> rf1 <- randomForest(SalePrice~.,data=clean, ntree=1000,proximity=TRUE)
> varImpPlot(rf1)
> predict_rf<-predict(rf1, clean) #Prediction
> head(predict_rf)
1 2 3 4 5 6
208014.0 175139.4 221352.1 158057.1 12000000000000 147914.5
> summary(predict_rf)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0 0 50532 90522 163504 642316
> postResample(predict_rf, clean$SalePrice)
RMSE Rsquared MAE
8389.5080258 0.9941019 3464.3994625
I used the caret package in R to test the models using the postResample function. As we can see, this R-squared for this model of 0.9941019 is much better than the Linear model or the Rpart model. Here is the graph for the RandomForest
As we made the models a bit more complicated we were able to get better results for our predictions. in order from least effective to most effective, it was linear regression, then using the recursive partitioning in caret, then finally the random forest gave us the best model to be able to predict a final house price. Given this was my first time around kaggle and a practical project, it was very interesting because what i thought i was going to be doing most of my work was the models, but the bulk of the time to get this data was just figuring out how to handle the missing data. there are much more sophisticated approaches out there to be used, but overall i believe the models used here explain
I believe next time given this same problem, i would do some more feature engineering to zoom in on what variables have the largest effect on the sale price.