Allows users to journal their thoughts and feelings throughout the day. Users can view motivational quotes, do breathing exercises, track their mood, and ask AI for advice.
- Clears textbox and current mood when submit button is pressed
- Implemented breathing exercises
- Created UI for the journaling page that includes a textbox, quote, a mood selector, and the submit button. Changes
- Instead of creating a calendar where users can view their old journals, it will just be a history page where users can view their old journals by date.
- Created tab bar
- Category: Health & Fitness
- Mobile: The convenience of having this mobile is the ability to immediately open the app and express your feelings or do breathing exercises and more.
- Story: Allows users to be more in touch with their mental health.
- Market:There is no well-defined audience of people for this app.
- Habit:For people who seriously want to follow their mental health, they could possibly use the app at least once a day.
- Scope: I do not think the app will be too chalenging to create.
Required Must-have Stories
- Users can journal their thoughts and review them
- Users can track their mood
- Users can do breathing exercises
Optional Nice-to-have Stories
- Users can ask for advice from an AI
- Users can view motivational quotes
- User can view a motivational quote
- User can journal their thoughts
- User can view their mood for the day
- User can view their mood and journals on specific days
- User can do breathing exercises
- User can ask for advice from an AI
Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)
- Home
- Calendar
- Breathing
- Chat
- Sprint 1: Set up project, create tab bar
- Sprint 2: Implement journaling and mood selecting
- Sprint 3: Implement breathing exercises
- [] Sprint 4: Implement history
- [] Sprint 5: Implement AI chat