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The goal of the Aws Native SDK is to provide a modern C++ ( Version >= C++ 11) interface for Amazon Web Services. We want it to be performant, fully functioning, with low-level and high-level sdks. Yet, we also want to minimize dependencies, and provide platform portability. This includes Windows, OSX, Linux, and Mobile platforms.

This SDK has been specifically designed with game dev in mind, but we have also worked hard to maintain an interface that will work for systems engineering tasks as well as other projects that simply need the efficiency of native code.

We are launching the AWS SDK for C++ in its current experimental state while we gather feedback from users and the open source community to harden the APIs. We also are adding support for individual services as we become more confident that the client generator can properly support each protocol. Support for more services will be coming in the near future. We invite our customers to follow along with our progress and join the development efforts by submitting pull requests and sending us feedback and ideas via GitHub Issues.


####Minimum Compiler Versions: #####Visual Studio Visual Studio 2013 (However, if you want default move constructors/operators, this version will not provide them). Later versions of Visual Studio provide a more standards compliant compiler. #####GCC GCC versions >= GCC 4.9.0 #####Clang Clang versions >= 3.3

####Recommended Procedure for Out-of-Source Build:

First, you need to make sure cmake and the relevant build tools for your platform are installed and available in your executable path.

Next create your build directory. For these instructions, let's call it BUILD_DIR.

cmake <path-to-root-of-this-source-code>

######For Auto Make build systems make ######For Visual Studio msbuild ALL_BUILD.vcxproj

######alternatively for release builds, you can run ######For auto make systems

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release  <path-to-root-of-this-source-code>
sudo make install

######For visual studio

cmake <path-to-root-of-this-source-code> -G "Visual Studio 12 Win64"
msbuild INSTALL.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release

That's it! This will build the entire source tree for your platform, run unit tests, and build integration tests.

####CMake Variables:


Set this value to 1 to use a custom memory manager. When using this option, all STL types will use our custom allocation interface which you can install a custom allocator into. If this is set to 0, you should still use our STL template types to help with DLL safety on windows. Note: Whatever value you use here, you need to make sure you use across your entire build system since a mismatch here will cause linker errors. Custom memory management defaults to off if static linking is enabled; because of the increased safety it adds in avoiding cross-DLL allocation/deallocation, it defaults to on if dynamic linking is enabled.


By default, the build creates shared libs for each platform. If you want to statically link, specify this value as 1.


By default, the build detects the host operating system and builds for that. If you want a cross compile, or you are building for a mobile platform, you will need to specify the target platform. Options here are: WINDOWS | LINUX | APPLE | ANDROID


This generates build artifacts such as visual studio solutions and xcode projects. Especially for Windows, you want to specify this, example: -G "Visual Studio 12 Win64". Refer to the cmake documentation for your platform for more information.

###Running integration tests:

You will notice that there are several directories appended with *integration-tests. After building your project, you can run these executables to make sure everything is working properly.

####Dependencies: For Linux, in order to compile, you will need the header files for libcurl and libopenssl. These packages are usually available in your package manager:

example: sudo apt-get install libcurl-dev

###Using the SDK The individual service clients are very similar to the other SDKs such as Java and .NET after you get them constructed. Here We'll explain the details of how core works, how to use each feature, and then how to then construct an individual client. aws-cpp-sdk-core does the heavy lifting of the system. In fact, you can trivially write a client to connect to any AWS service using just core itself. The individual service clients just make things a bit easier for you.

####Memory Management The Native SDK now offers developers the option of controlling how all memory allocation/deallocation is done within the library. This is currently done by implementing a subclass of MemorySystemInterface (see "aws/core/utils/memory/MemorySystemInterface.h") and installing a memory manager by calling InitializeAWSMemorySystem with an instance of your subclass. In the absence of a very compelling reason to do otherwise, the call to InitializeAWSMemorySystem should occur at the beginning of your application and a corresponding call to ShutdownAWSMemorySystem should occur at the end, right before exit.

For example (note that the type signature of AllocateMemory is not set in stone and is open to debate/change based on SDK user needs):

class MyMemoryManager : public Amazon::Utils::Memory::MemorySystemInterface
    // ...

    virtual void* AllocateMemory(std::size_t blockSize, std::size_t alignment, const char *allocationTag = nullptr) override;
    virtual void FreeMemory(void* memoryPtr) override;


And later in Main:

int main(void)
  MyMemoryManager sdkMemoryManager;

  // ... do stuff


  return 0;

Custom memory management is only available when using a version of the library that was built with the compile-time constant AWS_CUSTOM_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT defined. If using a version of the library built without this flag, global new and delete will be used and the global memory system functions (InitializeAWSMemorySystem, etc...) will not do anything. The necessity of this compile-time switch is detailed in the next section.

####STL or What is... Aws::String, Aws::Vector, etc...

If initialized with a memory manager, the native SDK will defer all allocation and deallocation to it. In the absence of a memory manager, the SDK falls back to global new and delete. Yet, the SDK makes heavy use of STL, and STL does plenty of memory allocation. How do we handle that? If you use custom STL allocators in your code, you are forced to alter the type signatures of all your STL objects to match the allocation policy. STL is used prominently within the SDK's implementation and interface (although the interface will become less STL-centric in the near future). This means that a one-size-fits-all approach within the SDK would either prevent developers who don't care about memory management from directly passing "standard"/default STL objects into the SDK (because everything's using custom allocators) or hardcore developers who do care about memory wouldn't be able to control STL allocation (because everything's using the default std::allocator). Using a hybrid approach -- use the custom allocators internally but the interface allows both default std:: objects (which get converted into custom allocator ones) as well as ones with custom allocators -- bloats the interface, and more dangerously, makes memory issues potentially much more difficult to track down if the SDK developer makes a mistake. We can revisit this if people feel strongly that the compile-time switch is a bad idea; We were extremely wary of debugging/mixing STL objects with two different allocation methods.

Our solution to these semi-conflicting requirements is to have the memory system compile switch -- AWS_CUSTOM_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT -- control what stl types the native SDK uses. If the compile switch is on, then the types resolve to stl types with a custom allocator that hooks into the AWS memory system. If the compile switch is off, then all Aws::* types resolve to the default std::* corresponding type. This is better explained by a few code snippets from the SDK: In AWSAllocator.h:


template< typename T >
class AwsAllocator : public std::allocator< T >
   ... definition of allocator that uses AWS memory system


template< typename T > using Allocator = std::allocator<T>;


So depending on the compile-time switch, AwsAllocator is either a custom allocator or the default allocator. Then, we define our Aws::* types as follows: (from AWSVector.h) template< typename T > using Vector = std::vector< T, Aws::Allocator< T > >; If the compile-time switch is on, this type maps to a vector using custom memory allocation and the AWS memory system. If the compile-time switch is off, it's just a regular std::vector with default type parameters. This type aliasing is done for all the std:: types used in the native SDK that perform memory allocation (containers, string stream, string buf) and the SDK now exclusively uses these Aws types. When the SDK is released, in addition to the standard debug/release and 32/64 bit switches, we will build combinations with custom memory management (AWS_CUSTOM_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT) on and with it off. The developer can then choose which version they want to use: the version that has no custom allocator control and uses default STL objects throughout, or the version that has custom allocator controls and uses AwsAllocator-based STL objects throughout.

#####Future Steps While we've given developers the ability to control all memory allocation within the SDK, a problem remains in that STL types dominate the public interface (primarily string parameters to the model object initialize/set methods). As it currently stands, developers that forgo STL entirely (rolling their own strings/containers/etc...) are forced to create many temporaries (incurring the cost of allocation/copy/deallocation) every time they want to make a service call. This is not desirable. Our current plan to address this is to focus primarily on the Request model objects and we have done the following:

  • every Init/Set function that takes a string has an overload that takes const char*
  • every Init/Set function that takes a container (map/vector mostly) has an Add variant that takes a single entry
  • every Init/Set that takes binary data has an overload that takes a pointer to the data and a length value
  • (if needed) every Init/Set function that takes a string has an overload that takes (non-zero-terminated) const char * and a length value. This removes most of the temporaries/allocation that currently happen when service calls are made by developers not using STL.

#####Note to Native SDK developers regarding memory controls Some new rules that need to be followed by code inside the SDK:

  • new and delete should never be used. Use Aws::New<> and Aws::Delete<>.
  • new[] and delete[] should never be used. Use Aws::NewArray<> and Aws::DeleteArray<>.
  • use Aws::MakeShared; never use std::make_shared
  • use Aws::UniquePtr for unique pointers to a single object; create this using the Aws::MakeUnique function
  • use Aws::UniqueArray for unique pointers to an array of objects; create this using the Aws::MakeUniqueArray function
  • Never use stl containers directly. Use one of the Aws:: typedefs, or if one does not exist, add a typedef for the desired container.

Aws::Map<Aws::String, Aws::String> m_kvPairs;

  • Any external pointer passed into the SDK that the SDK is expected to manage (ie cleanup) must be a shared_ptr. It is the responsibility of the developer to initialize the shared pointer with a destruction policy that matches how the object was allocated. If the SDK is not expected to cleanup a pointer, then a raw pointer is fine.

####Logging The SDK has configurable logging support. When initializing the logging system you can control the filter level as well as the logging target: either a file whose name has a configurable prefix or a stream. The log file generated by the prefix option rolls over once per hour to allow for log file archiving or deletion.

To set the logging options, you'll need to initialize the logging system at the beginning of your program:

Amazon::Utils::Logging::InitializeAWSLogging(Aws::MakeShared<Amazon::Utils::Logging::DefaultLogSystem>("RunUnitTests", Amazon::Utils::Logging::LogLevel::TRACE, "aws_sdk_"));

If you do not call InitializeAWSLogging in your program, the SDK will not do any logging. Don't forget to shut it down at the end of your program:


For example, we do something like this in our integration tests:

#include <aws/external/gtest.h>

#include <aws/core/utils/memory/stl/AWSString.h>
#include <aws/core/utils/logging/DefaultLogSystem.h>
#include <aws/core/utils/logging/AWSLogging.h>

#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  Amazon::Utils::Logging::InitializeAWSLogging(Aws::MakeShared<Amazon::Utils::Logging::DefaultLogSystem>("RunUnitTests", Amazon::Utils::Logging::LogLevel::TRACE, "aws_sdk_"));
  ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
  int exitCode = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
  return exitCode;

####Client Configuration The client configuration is the way that you control most functionality in the SDK. We'll now explain each piece of the client config.

Here is the declaration for ClientConfiguration:

struct AWS_CORE_API ClientConfiguration

    Aws::String userAgent;
    Aws::Http::Scheme scheme;
    Aws::Region region;
    unsigned maxConnections;
    long requestTimeoutMs;
    long connectTimeoutMs;
    std::shared_ptr<RetryStrategy> retryStrategy;
    Aws::String endpointOverride;
    Aws::String proxyHost;
    unsigned proxyPort;
    Aws::String proxyUserName;
    Aws::String proxyPassword;
    std::shared_ptr<Aws::Utils::Threading::Executor> executor;
    bool verifySSL;
    std::shared_ptr<Aws::Utils::RateLimits::RateLimiterInterface> writeRateLimiter;
    std::shared_ptr<Aws::Utils::RateLimits::RateLimiterInterface> readRateLimiter;

#####User Agent You shouldn't alter this, this pulls various bits of information from your operating system and is built in the constructor.

#####Scheme Defaults to HTTPS, if the information you are passing is not sensitive and the service you are connecting to supports an HTTP endpoint, then feel free to set this to HTTP. AWS Auth protects you from tampering.

#####Region This is the region that you want the client to communicate with eg. us-east-1, us-west-1 etc... It is your responsibility to make sure the service you are using has an endpoint in the region configure here.

#####Max Connections This is the maximum number of connections to allow to a single server for your http communications. Set this as high as you think you can support the bandwidth for. We recommend somewhere around 25. The default for this value is 25.

#####Request Timeout and Connection Timeout In Milliseconds, how long to wait before timing out a request. Consider raising this value if you are doing large file transfers such as in S3 or cloud front.

#####Retry Strategy Defaults to exponential backoff. If you want to override this, Implement a subclass of RetryStrategy and pass an instance here.

#####Endpoint Override Don't use this unless you already know what it's for....

#####Proxy Host, Port, User Name, and Password This allows you to configure a proxy for all communication with AWS. This is particularly useful at debug time in conjunction with the Burp suite. However, some users may use a proxy to actually connect to the internet. Configure that stuff here.

#####Executor This defaults to creating a thread for each async call and detaching it. If you want different behavior, implement a subclass of Executor and pass an instance of it here.

#####Verify SSL If you turn this off, you might as well turn SSL off; but if you must, set this to false to disable SSL certificate verification.

#####Write Rate Limiter and Read Rate Limiter If you aren't writing a game for a console, you probably don't care about this. These throttle the bandwidth used by the transport layer to help you with resource budgets. The default is wide open. If you just want to set a budget then use our default implementation with your desired rates. You can also subclass RateLimiterInterface and inject your own instance.

####Credentials Providers The fundamental way of providing credentials to the AWS auth signing process is through the AWSCredentialProvider interface. You can implement this interface to provide your own method of credentials deployment. For convenience we've written some of these for you and provide them by default.

#####Default Credential Provider Chain The default credential provider chain does the following:

  1. Checks your environment variables for AWS Credentials

  2. Checks your $HOME/.aws/credentials file for a profile and credentials.

  3. Contacts the EC2MetadataInstanceProfile Service to ask for credentials.

The simplest way to communicate with AWS without hardcoding your credentials in your source code or configuration files is to make sure we can find your credentials in 1 of those 3 places.

#####Other methods You can also just provide us with credentials in your client's constructor.

Furthermore, we provide a full identity-management solution via the Cognito-Identity Service. To take advantage of this, use the CognitoCaching*CredentialsProviders classes in the identity-management project, and read the cognito-identity documentation.

####Using a Service Client Now that we have discussed the main interfaces in the system, we can use these items to construct a service client. Note, it is not necessary to do anything extra for a client. The default constructor will serve your needs most of the time. Yet, many times you may want to configure these things, so we will illustrate with DynamoDb.

auto limiter = Aws::MakeShared<Aws::Utils::RateLimits::DefaultRateLimiter<>>(ALLOCATION_TAG, 200000);

// Create a client
ClientConfiguration config;
config.scheme = Scheme::HTTPS;
config.connectTimeoutMs = 30000;
config.requestTimeoutMs = 30000;
config.readRateLimiter = m_limiter;
config.writeRateLimiter = m_limiter;

 auto client = Aws::MakeShared<DynamoDBClient>(ALLOCATION_TAG, config);

This code creates a DynamoDb client using a specialized ClientConfiguration, the default credentials provider chain, and the default http client factory.

Alternatively, you could do this:

auto client = Aws::MakeShared<DynamoDBClient>(ALLOCATION_TAG, AWSCredentials("access_key_id", "secret_key"), config);

to manually pass credentials, or you could do

auto client = Aws::MakeShared<DynamoDBClient>(ALLOCATION_TAG, Aws::MakeShared<CognitoCachingAnonymousCredentialsProvider>(ALLOCATION_TAG, "identityPoolId", "accountId"), config);

to use a custom credentials provider.

Now you are ready to use your DynamoDb client.

####Error Handling Largely for the sake of game development, we did not use exceptions. That is not to say that this library is not exception safe. Feel free to use exceptions in your own code--this library will be safe. Every service client returns an outcome object containing a result and an error code. Here is a sample of handling error conditions:

bool CreateTableAndWaitForItToBeActive()
  CreateTableRequest createTableRequest;
  AttributeDefinition hashKey;
  KeySchemaElement hashKeySchemaElement;
  ProvisionedThroughput provisionedThroughput;

  CreateTableOutcome createTableOutcome = dynamoDbClient->CreateTable(createTableRequest);
  if (createTableOutcome.IsSuccess())
     DescribeTableRequest describeTableRequest;
     bool shouldContinue = true;
     DescribeTableOutcome outcome = dynamoDbClient->DescribeTable(describeTableRequest);

     while (shouldContinue)
         if (outcome.GetResult().GetTable().GetTableStatus() == TableStatus::ACTIVE)
     return true
  else if(createTableOutcome.GetError().GetErrorType() == DynamoDBErrors::RESOURCE_IN_USE)
     return true;

  return false;

####Advanced Topics #####Overriding your Http Client The default http client was chosen for ease of portability and stability for each platform. For Windows, this is WinHttp, and for everything else this is curl. You shouldn't need to change this functionality, but if you do, you can simply create a custom HttpClientFactory and pass it to any Service Client's constructor.

#####Provided Utilities ######Http Stack /aws/core/http/

The Http Client is entirely reusable for whatever purposes you need. It provides connection pooling and is entirely thread safe. See the ClientConfiguration notes mentioned above.

######String Utils /aws/core/utils/StringUtils.h

Provides core string functionalities such as trim, toLowerCase, numeric conversions etc... ######Hashing Utils /aws/core/utils/HashingUtils.h

Provides hashing functions for SHA256, MD5, Base64, and SHA256_HMAC ######Json Parser /aws/core/utils/json/JsonSerializer.h

Provides fully functioning, yet light-weight Json parser. This is just a very thin wrapper around JsonCpp. ######Xml Parser /aws/core/utils/xml/XmlSerializer.h

Light-weight Xml Parser. This is just a thin wrapper around tinyxml2. We added RAII pattern to our interface. #####Controlling IOStreams used by the HttpClient and the AWSClient By default, all responses use an input stream backed by a stringbuf. Obviously this is not performant for large response bodies. It is your responsibility to override this behavior if you want something else. For instance, when you are using S3 GetObject, you likely do not want to load the entire file into memory. Use the IOStreamFactory in the AmazonWebServiceRequest to pass a lambda creating a file stream for you.

For Example:

GetObjectRequest getObjectRequest;
getObjectRequest.SetResponseStreamFactory([](){ return Aws::New<Aws::FStream>( ALLOCATION_TAG, DOWNLOADED_FILENAME, std::ios_base::out ); });

auto getObjectOutcome = s3Client->GetObject(getObjectRequest);


AWS SDK for C++







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  • C++ 99.2%
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